Aethyr Alchemical

The past is gone. This moment is already passing and there is no rewinding it. There is no reason to dwell in it. It cannot be undone. We can study it and learn from it, but we must ultimately; leave it where it is and move forward beyond it. There are choices presented to us with regard to the past. One might decide to not revisit it or even try to recreate it, but alas; it will never be again.

“Jason King” once stated something to the effect of; there has never been a better time than now. His argument was that; we may wish that we could go back to a different time period, thinking that life was better. However that is a double-edged sword, because with those things we think were better, comes all of the difficulties present at that time as well. I don’t need to look any further than in myself to see the truth in that.

I can’t count the number of times, I have thought to myself, I wish I could go back to this time or that time in my life. I remember different periods of life in which different things were “better”, but they really weren’t. So I eventually accept that, right now is my best moment, and I can be hopeful in tomorrow. Then I realize that, tomorrow is the greatest time for me. You see tomorrow is still unpromised.

Tomorrow is raw Materia. It is a wet lump of clay waiting to be sculpted on the potter’s wheel. I can put my hands in it and use my experience to guide its shape. I can envision its potentialities and form it toward my desired perfection. I can work at it in my own pace, and with practice; I will see my planning meeting with my creativity and experience. Should the A:O will it so, it may even stand up to the tests of time.

As an artist, there is this moment during creation; a realization without realization. It is the intersection of the flow of imagination and the act of creating. It is an Alchemy of the Will. When I was tattooing, I used to call it “getting into my groove”. I have however always recognized it when I manifest. It does not matter the manifestation. For those brief moments, I am awake; I am god. I have tapped into the A:O, and it flows through me.

There are a set of lyrics in a song by White Zombie which have always spoken to me. Thirty plus years and I still haven’t completely decoded what they mean to me but they are these:

Straight to the sun I am a walk’n state of the art
All that I see [yeah] new Gods move wipp’n the shore and dash on the reef
Surf city… I walk alone and stare, man, right in the sun
Tear-jerk asylum and cemetery run
Well, how’d I ever get this far man
Smooth curves switchback the sweat
Underneath the body, baby
Where what you see is what you see and what you get.

In the summer of 1992, I first heard this song and I was instantly enchanted by these words. The line “straight to the sun, I am a walk’n state of the art” caught my ear and the resonance was almost deafening. That instance, I was transported to a distant futuristic hellscape of dried up beaches just “Beyond the Thunderdome” and I was tagging everything in sight. Later in life, I realized that to me it summed up in a tidy way, the idea that we are walking creators. We are all artists in our own right.

I won’t linger on whatever inspirations, I have drawn from these lyrics over the years. Though there are many, the important one right now is that we are a species of creators. We collectively emulate and venerate creation and we have done so, as far back as history can show us. There is no denying our advancements are many. In a period of a century or two, we can completely rework the face of this entire world. We have done just this.

What we can’t seem to do though, at least not “en mass” is recognize and accept what we truly are. As a child, I was taught that I should strive to be “as gentle as a lamb”. I certainly have had moments, where I was as such, but I know I am more like the wild dog than any gentle lamb. Maybe that has something to do with my Celtic heritage or maybe it is simply because I don’t deny what I am. Deep down though, I know I thirst for worthy battles.

Every great civilization I can think of was born from, and sustained by conquer and conquest. They all seem to fall by the promise of peace. This includes our current age. It seems to me, that when we run out of an outward enemy; we turn toward our inward enemies. A literal and symbolic cannibalism. In the same way that a mother animal would kill off and consume, her offspring should she sense a defect or disadvantage. An act meant to ensure the longevity of her bloodline.

We live in a society where this same behavior is frowned upon and scorned. A world where children are given awards simply for participation. Where rather than force them to rise above whatever disadvantages they may have; we shield and shelter them and call it protection. Yet we do them no great service with this. We teach them weakness and entitlement. Instead of learning to take a punch, we teach them to tattle-tale on the puncher.

You might be wondering why this concerns me. After all doesn’t everyone have a right to a happy life? No they don’t, and though this disgusts me to the core of my being, this is not the “why” that I wish to convey. You see I am a being of reason and logic. I am also one who seeks to remove any illusions of potentialities no matter how horrifying they maybe.

With astronomers saying there could be as many as 40 billion planets in the universe with conditions similar to our own. Meaning capable of sustaining life on them. The closest of them being a mere 12 light years away. It seems like a simple numbers game to me. What I mean is this; we should be expecting visitors.

When they come, and it really does seem like a matter of when, they aren’t coming in peace. It is too costly to travel such distances simply to say hello. They will be motivated to attain something, and are certainly not to leave empty-handed. You can ask how do I know this? This is a valid question and a hard one to answer. Many years of occult study and that of natural behaviors. I have gleaned the many parallels between things on all levels, and can confidently conclude the truth of the old Hermetic idiom “As above, so below”.

Still if this is too much for you to reconcile; if you find it utterly unbelievable; there is still the truth of our own nature to contend with. Because we are a species of violence and war (evidenced by our own histories), and no matter how much “goodie-two-shoes” bubblegum bullshit we try to blow up our own asses, that truth is stark and glaring. For as much as we emanate creation, we also culminate in destruction. So the pendulum sways.

When is it time for us as a species to stop lying to ourselves? When will we not be constantly looking backward for some hidden “knowledge” to fill the vast hole in our collective soul? When will we stop coddling the weak among us and just let our nature be? These are the questions I seek answers to. Not some cryptic wisdom from a time before the time I exist in.

Let us be like wet clay again. Let us rejoin the Aethyr. There is no better time for us than tomorrow. This should always be in our minds. What we are doing isn’t working. I can’t be the only one who sees this.  A complete reset seems to me, to be the only answer.

That will be no simple task, and what transpires getting to that point, the mundanes will think sinister and insidious. As one Bawrnin my many travels down one path or another; there have only been a handful of ideologies offering a complete reset. There are two which I find a harmonic resonance with.  Hence the two symbols at the top of this page.

It is necessary to point out that there are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the ending point is the same. I must also disclose that as we near the top, those choices narrow further and further down. In the end it will come down to who truly reached the peak and how.

The Insidious Way offers the understanding that influence is the truest currency of this world. That it should be observed, tended to, and cultivated. That unless you actively choose what you will stand for or in; you will fall for anything. This requires a great deal of a very specific character.

One must undergo orthodoxy and then heresy to truly ascertain what G.I. Gurdjieff once referred to as right understanding. I truly believe Anton Long came to this conclusion as well. The problem, to me, is not in methods of achieving right understanding. Rather it seems to be in remaining fluid through them. As it is easy to fall into a dogmatic crystallization.

Our failure to remain malleable is often the downfall of the human psychology. We seem inherently obsessed with artificial systems and processes. I attribute this to the use of analogous abstractions. I know this is most often an extremely useful tool for the learning and understanding of the world around us. Still we seem to fixate on the method rather than it’s products and results.

One example is the public reaction to common core mathematics, when it was introduced into public school systems. There seemed to be a literal meltdown of parents all across the country. So many places I saw people complaining that they couldn’t understand it and expressing their fear that their children weren’t going to be able to use it. I was trained in the traditional manner of mathematics, and my son has done common core his entire school career.

He is just as capable if not more so than I am. So I don’t see what the big deal was. It simply meant that I had to learn a different method to achieving the same results. There are many examples of the same scenario playing out and for the sake of brevity, I am not going to go further.

One of the most fascinating and attractive things about the O9A, is the hermetic offering of many different paths on many different levels; all of which, like my analogy, lead to the same place. One must really give Anton Long his due props; it takes an extremely developed gnosis and disciplined mind, to culminate all of these things together. Even if you believe the mythos, and this really is derived from an aural tradition of antiquity, it’s still does not take away from that which is indicative of its complexity and thoroughness. Long is either independently wealthy or has lived as meager as the philosophers of old.

I imagine that it wasn’t a complete package right from the start. In fact, it has taken a lifetime of work to achieve. Though I cannot speak for, and probably shouldn’t about, what his process was; it seems to me an obvious digestion of the occult. Like myself, I suspect the painstaking effort of exploring, participating, and eventually understanding each path one at a time. Extracting the things of value, and discarding the bullshit. As they say, separating the wheat from the chaff.

A truly alchemical reaction, and with each a transmutation of his own personal character. I wonder when he looks in the mirror can he recognize the man that started down this path? For that matter, is there anything left at all? This is a prime example of what it means to be a slyman and the pinnacle of what the Insidious Way is.

It is a shame to me that I will probably never have the opportunity to know and communicate directly with Anton Long. I have associated myself with the O9A for over a decade. Even before my participation with the Nexion L316. I am no closer now, then I was then. I’m okay with that. It hasn’t weakened my resolve in any way. However it would have enriched my understanding of the source.

In that way, I am different. I am here and always available for discussion and collaboration. I am, however, no kind of teacher. What I am sharing, here and in the near future on another site, are my thoughts and my process.

The Insidious Way is to be considered like the Tao. It cannot truly be captured in writing or even conversation. For as potent as the language of symbols is, still it cannot be contained within. There are no metaphors or analogies which can depict it. Each Bawrn’s aethyric alchemy is personal and should be. This is the only way to ensure that you are the one controlling the forces of influence.

I offer these thoughts to you, dear kinfolk. Do not make the mistake of supposing what you’re final transformation might look like. Do not force yourself to be what you are not. As you interact with each current, remain as wet clay on the potters wheel. Use the experience and the knowledge you gain. Reach deep for that creative connection. Find your groove and let it manifest. You will surprise yourself, with the beauty contained within. Not everyone will end up at the peak of this dark mountain.

What follows will seem rigid as I codify the  House Of Iconoclasts. However I expect to be challenged. I expect attempts made to usurp. As in nature, the struggle for alpha must remain present. In the same tradition, just as all things occurring naturally before this brotherhood; there is a season. When one season ends, another season has already begun.

I like to talk about time in a more organic fashion. In my mind, we try too hard to ascribe an artificial set of properties upon naturally occurring phenomenon. Time is no exception. There is no distinct marking between autumn and winter, nor winter and spring. One slowly fades in as the other slowly fades out. It is only in the height of a season, that you can be sure which season you are in.

I am talking about the most basic understanding of seasons. That being the passing of an indefinite amount of time, which is denoted by a specific set of characteristics. It can be understood that I am describing the coming into and going out of something specific. In the case of Darkhorse Klan, it could be our aims, influences, or methods. As only the strongest and most beneficial of anything should prevail. For one of the earmarks of true honour is dedication to the longevity and sanctity of your own.

Long ago, there was a season where these values were cherished abroad. A time when character was crafted in the individual from the very beginning. Things like clan, country, and honour were embraced and held high. As I said in the beginning of this, the past is gone. Yet that season can come again.

I admire the Koryos. Adolescents tasked with forging their transformation from boy to man. Seeking to connect to the primal and often brutal natural order. Donning the hide of the hunter beast spirit which they seek symbiosis with. Not simply the mimicry of the technique and prowess of these great beasts, but the merging with its metaphysical psychology and life force. It must have been quite a sight to behold, men ferocious and wild often consumed with bloodlust.

Fearless warriors and hunters that were supposedly forced to be an outcast of their clan/tribe. Still they chose to be the protectors of their people. Most were indoctrinated back into the clan/tribe, after passing whatever tests had been set out before them. Still some found their place in this world, and chose never to came back. They had forged their totem.

The importance of a totem is lost in our modern translations. Often seeming as an archaic and inferior understanding, so much gnosis lost. Each Bawrn should venture to adopt and connect to a totem. This connection will serve as conduit for our transmutation. A true alchemy sought for evolution of our whole being.

To truly fulfill our 9A:O, we must seek not only a personal transformation, but a societal transformation. To achieve this it is difficult to imagine what must be done. The most direct line I can see, is a cleansing and rebirth. The means of such action are far beyond my reach or the reach of probably all that will read this. We all know genocide is a very dirty word. One that most people cannot  condone and most certainly cannot imagine.

Fortunately as the old expression goes, there is more than one way to skin a fox. Selective culling has been employed throughout history to remove undesirable elements in our world. Yet when we speak on the level of what is deemed human, most are mortified.

If someone asked me to cast my vote upon the idea of an annual Purge, (yes I’m talking about the concept as put forth in the movies bearing the same title) I would incline to cast my vote in the affirmative. Even though that would place me and mine in jeopardy for that time, my answer would remain the same. This makes me a bit sad that it would, but I am so disgusted by the condition in which we exist.

To quote the Joker in the 1989 film Batman, “This town needs an enema!”. An end to the neutering and pacification of society as a whole. The rooting out and decimation of the dishonorable, ignorant, and unaccountable pestilence we call mankind. To me it is clear that we have stifled our own course of evolution and some action must be taken.

I have always held a deep admiration for various organizations such as the Hashshashin, Yakuza, and China’s Heaven and Earth Society. The ability to tend to and regulate your own within is beyond admirable. The ability to operate on a clandestine level is even more so. So I have sought to emulate such brotherhoods. It is for this reason that the true name of the House of Iconoclasts, is known only by 9 currently and will only be revealed to those who prove loyalty and solidarity. For the wise, a simple clue; keep your circles small, from this you maintain order.

The past is most certainly gone. Like this moment as it’s passing. For every thing there is a season, and as the season ends, may our season be already underway. I look to the alchemical season with hope and conviction.

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