Prefatory Note:
The evidence featured within this text has been mostly acquired from sources that are in the public domain, that may or may not have been hidden in plain sight, and the remainder was held within the private domain.
The content creator known as Interzone Analysis has been generating some interesting discussions in the comment section of a video of his titled: The Absolute State of the O9A. “Niners”, described by Chloe as freelance operatives that self-identify with the O9A, have been arriving in small numbers to discuss what contributed to the downfall of the O9A and what can be done to turn it around. Among the Niners, we were pleasantly surprised to see a well-known name giving his opinion. It was none other than Nameless Therein, back from obscurity after publicly swearing in an article published by him on the o9a dot-org website (that was deleted shortly after his very public and passionate disavowal) that he would not return.
[The comment by Nameless Therein has been pinned by Interzone at the time of writing] While the original o9a dot-org post titled ‘Conspectus’ has been deleted by Brett Stevens, Nameless Therein’s heartfelt resignation can be found at the following link:
From his return and the gathering of self-stylised shepherds intent on taking control of O9A, but currently without the courage to do so, it’s clear that there is a becoming, unified logos among Niners that is propelling them in an effort to return beauty to that which is now ugly. The only problem with this coming quest is that the O9A has always been rottenness anticipating ever since the ONA returned to the dark in 1998 e.v (Beest, 1998).
What the MS Terfyniad brings into question is the allegation made in the infamous email between BX and Chloe, in which she stated that the Order of Nine Angles did not exist as a physical entity in what she referred to as “phase one.”
For reference: phase one, or P1, is the era attributed to the elusive entity known as the ‘old guard’.
If Chloe’s allegation was true, why would Christos Beest, a man that has nothing short of an honourable reputation within the Sinister Tradition, feel the need to announce that the ONA would be returning to the dark, and why would he dissolve Rigel Press (Terfyniad, 1998) Furthermore, why would Order of the Deorc Fyre also follow that example soon after (Williams, n.d.)?
Keeping in mind an ODF member moved to England to become a representative of ODF (Williams, n.d.), does this not speak to the existence of a very real and connected clandestine ONA network? For what other reason would an entity that grew out of The Black Order, which had by then been relocated to England (Erda, n.d.), have for also going dark at “some point after 1997”?
“The ultimate withdrawal of the ODF from the public domain occurred at some point after 1997 (the exact date remains unknown to the present writer). Initially, as far as I am aware, the ODF went ‘underground’ imitating the withdrawal of the ONA.”
Order of The Deorc Fyre: Overview
Thus, without any proof provided by Chloe to substantiate the claim she made in the email, her allegation of the ONA not existing as a physical entity in phase one is nothing more than conjecture, and even causes the questioning of whether she really was on the inside of the ONA, or whether she was just another victim of the machinations of Sutter’s O9A.
One testimony from Ryan of Temple of Them certainly calls into question the validity of her character in an agency capacity. According to Ryan, Chloe advocated the weaponising of pedophilia against mundanes (Temple of Them, 2023), which to rational and deductive minds should introduce the very real possibility that Chloe had a much closer relationship to Sutter’s activities than initially believed, and if this was indeed the case, she would naturally have a motivation to sully other reputations in order to protect her own.
“I was present in the O9A forum’s when two prominent members, DL9 and Chloe both advocated pedophilia as a strategy against mundanes; a suggestion met by others in the forum with mixed response.”
– Temple of Them.
For clarification, O9A is what became of the public remnants of the ONA after they left the public stage and Rigel Press was dissolved by Christos Beest (Beest, 1998). The distinction between ONA and O9A must now be made clear.
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The ONA, which has been in the dark since 1998 e.v, was never exported from the British Isles. It never possessed the concept of the Authority of Individual Judgement, that is to say the ONA had hierarchy, rules, standards, ethics et al. An individual could not just “become it”, they had to endure and persevere through a personal quest of occult adjacent pathei-mathos before they would even learn what it was they were involved in, and even then all efforts would be sought to hide the truth, not as a deliberate intention to deceive for some personal abstract goal of another, but as part of the alchemical processes of Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo. Thus, the secrecy of the ‘old guard’ (so often remarked upon in a negative light) is necessary for the production of genuine adepts, as any serious student or scholar of traditional western alchemy will agree.
The O9A is the opposite. Anyone can become a ‘member’ because there is no hierarchy, no traditional initiation, no rules, no expectations and no stipulations as to what constitutes a temple/nexion (beyond the flawed Code of Kindred Honour), allowing the opportunity for charlatans to exploit genuine persons interested in the Longusian Tradition; for people to act in ways antithetical to ONA ethics without being held accountable. This is the legacy of the Authority of Individual Judgement. Therefore, the blame that is illogically placed on the ‘old guard’ for ruining the O9A is tragically misplaced. The only thing they can be held responsible for is contributing to the O9A’s creation by returning the ONA to the dark, but to assign blame to them based on a decision that protected the best parts of the Sinister Tradition from corruption is nothing short of childish.
To those people that assign blame to the old guard for some perceived ruining of their lives, we say grow up! Take responsibility for your own actions, your own failings; own that you failed their tests and fell for the machinations of those that were/are operating under the O9A banner.
Despite all of this, the old guard has taken responsibility for O9A and are actively trying to elucidate to those that will listen, that the Longusian Tradition could not be further in quintessence and texture from the Sutterian Frankenstein’s Monster that is the O9A.
The Skeleton in the Wall: Project Polaris
Beginning with yet another piece of evidence that implicates Chloe, as such an implication pertains to intimate knowledge of Sutter’s sexual exploitation of children, we find an email chain titled Project Polaris, replete with a sign-off from Chloe and endorsement from Sutter (Jack McLeod) for the instillation of a new outer representative named Jall.
PDF for the email chain can be found HERE Click to Download
For the unaware, Project Polaris was also the name for a website which featured indecent images of children with a certain ‘uncomfortable suggestiveness’. The Archive link will be provided as evidence but viewer discretion is heavily advised due to the nature of the content.
Also provided is the website data for Project Polaris’ active periods, which reveals a large gap between when the website domain was bought and shelved using a [dot] net extension (2011) and when it began publishing content (2014) once it switched to a [dot] org extension. The date of March 2014 is cardinal because the email chain titled Project Polaris is from February 2014, revealing that Jall was elected as outer representative by Chloe, and endorsed by Sutter, just a month prior to the posting of content from the Project Polaris website.

Screenshot of the archived Project Polaris website indicating its date of activation
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Whisperers of ONA 1.0 (pre-internet/ONA)
In an article published on titled: The Metaphorical O9A, the ‘old guard’ disclosed a familiar statement regarding the nature of what they term ‘ONA 1.0’.
“Crucially, ONA 1.0 was devoid of satanism, theological and ritualized; there was no Labyrinthos Mythologicus with its tests, japes, and misdirections; no dialectical engagement in the world by means of Insight Roles, or through politics or otherwise; and no support for whatever antinomian reason of National Socialism.”
– The Metaphorical O9A
This statement is familiar because it is essentially a reworded explanation for the Rounwytha Tradition written by Anton Long in The Rounwytha Way in History and Modern Context.
“The Rouning tradition was and is one centred on certain gifts, certain skills, and is distinct in many ways, for instance:
i) There are no named deities or divinities or ‘spirits’. No ‘gods’, no ‘goddess’. No demons.
ii) There are no spells or conjurations or spoken charms or curses; no ‘secret scripts’ and no ‘secret teachings’; indeed no teachings at all.
iii) There are no ‘secret book(s)’ or manuscripts; indeed, there are no writings.
iv) There are no ritual or Occult or ‘wiccan’ or ‘satanist’ elements at all.
v) There is no calendar, as calendars are usually understood, and thus no set dates/times for festivities or commemorations.
vi) There are no oaths made, no pledges written or said.
vii) There is no organization, no dogma, no codification of beliefs, no leader(s), no hierarchy, and no stages or grades of ‘attainment’.”
– The Rounwytha Way in History and Modern Context
Yet, what does this correlation reveal? It reveals to those capable of deductive reasoning that what is termed ONA 1.0 was actually the Camlad Rounwytha Tradition in totality, sans ‘satanism’, sans politics, sans societal engagement and so on as stated. The reason why the ‘old guard’ didn’t outright state that ONA 1.0 was the outer shell for the Rounwytha Tradition is something only they know, but given their propensity for a ‘shadowy guiding hand’ rather than clear instruction, it could be posited that learning this now apparent correlation between ONA 1.0 and the Rounwytha Tradition was part of the quest for Lapis Philosophicus. Regardless, it is highly challenging, even disingenuous, to deny the thesis of ONA 1.0 equaling the Camlad Rouning, at least until such a time that the ‘old guard’ provide an antithesis so that we may arrive at the synthesis of truth via the Hegelian dialectic. Thus, the dialogue of opposites should – for now – rightly be “The Rounwtha Tradition and O9A” (or Rounwytha vs O9A), not “ONA 1.0 and ONA 2.0 (O9A)”.
This new suggested distinction removes a lot of confusion and conflated presuppositions, which will assist all with attaining the truth should they desire to discover it.
Note: One crucial point to note is that Anton Long inherited the Rounwytha Tradition, thus the designation of the ‘Longusian Tradition’ as a representative of a revitalised and growing ‘ONA 1.0’ is just as authentic a designation as The Rounwytha Tradition.
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The O9A Going Forward:
The O9A is still alive and kicking because it has no hierarchy, thus no one with the authority to put it out of its misery. With concerns to the Niners debating whether they should take control of the O9A situation: more power to them. They have the authority to take control because there is no inherent authority. In conclusion, we wish Interzone and the Niners all the best with their alchemical crusade to transmute the O9A (1998-present) into something numinous, honourable and interesting.
– T. Roper
For ease of sharing this is the PDF version Click here to Download
Beest, Christos. Terfyniad.1998 eh
Williams, Grant. Order of The Deorc Fyre – Overview. (n.d.)
Erda (n.d.)
Temple of Them. Responsibility to the Responsible: An Open Letter to Nero of the Noctulian Blood Covenant. 2023 —
O9A. ONA Outer Representative (Email). 2014.
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