Death Comes to All Forms

The occult quest is ultimately to discover that all forms are temporal and that one should never become attached to them if higher levels of initiation are sought. “Never love anything so much you cannot see it die” is the sixth point of the 21 Satanic Points written in the Black Book of Satan and adequately expresses the mindset required to break through the mirror of forms which hides the essence of each form and its facsimiles. 

This is not to say that forms are unimportant; indeed they are cardinal, as they provide a visible gate to the form’s essence, one that can be opened while navigating the occult secrets of that form. Opening the gate is easier than one might think; the hard part is realising it has opened and entering it, because the gate will always appear as locked while we cannot bear to see the form die. 

Theistic occultists understand that death is a natural changing of energies. These energies do not perish, they simply fade out of existence and hide in nothingness until it is time for them to return, just like Nature’s seasons. The same goes for forms. Forms fade in and out, disappearing and returning as part of an intrinsic process shared between nature and consciousness; consciousness of man and woman, of things which possess the ability to become. 

Due to this process being an event which can occur independently of human proximity, the error we make is trying to change or subject to death a form in the wrong season. This translates to trying to force open the gate within the form before it has been unlocked by the natural changing of energies and opened by our apprehension of the sixth Satanic Point. 

This is why the Authority of Individual Judgement allegedly pioneered by O9A (which permits anyone to change, alter or reform O9A gnosis and practice provided they abide by the Code of Kindred Honor) cannot, and never could, help one find a path to Lapis Philosophicus. If we imagine the essence of a form as a strand of silk that is weaved through several doors (foundations of a form): when someone changes the form as and when they desire they close one of the doors, thereby severing the strand of silk and thus the connection to the essence of that form. This prevents the gate from ever being opened to the essence behind the form, and so one has to move to a different form that has stronger foundations and an ethos that does not permit the altering of its magick system without considerable thought given to the natural changing of energies and such a change in the form coinciding with them.  

A retort to this postulate could come in the form of the Gods/Goddesses of whichever pantheon being intimately tied to the essence and therefore requiring only their presencing, but the system through which an acaual being is presenced — and how the practitioner uncovers gnosis and builds empathy with it — changes the intensity of that being’s energy once presenced. Since the magick system is considered a foundation of the form, this means that a door cannot be closed on the strand without the natural changing of energies weaving it through another door, lest the gate never open. 

Conversely, never truly committing to a form places us in a limbo of abstraction where we pretentiously debate the intangible and never achieve any REAL progress, moving from form to form, never satisfied or feeling like we belong; never willing to learn the design of a form so that we may be able to locate the key and unlock the gate. This act is not loving something so much you cannot see it die, it is never loving something at all, which is why the gate will never open so long as this is one’s method of navigating the hidden. 

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by Fraternitas Loki (circa 1997)

Artifacts of ‘magickal’ significance in the occult are practical tools – or at least they can be. They are not practical in the old aeon sense of summoning up demons, or suddenly gifting the practitioner with powers: a judaeo-christian concept to escape reality, turn one’s back on the real world of nature and cosmic struggle and hiding in a fantasy of abstract philosophy. On the other hand, those who have begun to liberate their psyche from the old aeon, live a life in harmony with nature and the precepts of the Order, and constantly seek to transform their life and attain realisation of their potential may be ready to use crystals and other materials for real magick.

That is once a certain state of being is reached (and this takes time, effort, hard-work, training, study, strenuous harmonization and improvement of body-spirit-mind including re-visualisation for a zestful living) then it becomes natural to have in one possession for the dialectic of magick (that is participating in The Great Work) in association with others who have also reached a modicum self evolution – which is an ongoing process and must never be confused with artificial occult title of adept, master etc). These items are usually themselves natural and  usually come via one of several direct.

Via one’s Lodge/Order with which one is allied for self evolution in natural symbiosis of creative dialectic (Hidden Alchemy).

Obtained by oneself in a certain numinous site whilst on Expedition with comrades.

Found or discovered accidentally in one’s life or pathway.

Procured from actual sacred sites (e.g. ancient or Hyperborean).

Really effective magickal items are never bought in a shop, (there are exceptions: e.g. a suitable neck medallion of one’s totem or deity which is then ‘charged’ in a sinister rite with one’s Teacher). For those who live outside the Albo-Eriu lands the only effective way is via 1 above. However before requesting any such item be aware of its significance and be aware of your need/reasons for it. Be also aware that a bond exists between you, it and its origins (i.e.: (a) the sacred site blood/energy, (b) the Order Tradition to which you have dedicated yourself for the Folk, the Aeon and self-evolution). This bond is eternal, and forms part of the matrix for the aeon itself.

There are several artifact materials for [titles redacted] (OJB also has its range of items), e.g. wood, pebble, slate, charcoal. But one of the most significant is: Quartz, available to members of the OJB and FL from the region of one of the sites of The Ten Ringed Path either as rough lumps for altar work or burial/ritual or as small pieces for personal use/neck etc. It is highly charged.

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Sahrut (Part II) : Promethean Thesis IX

Waxing. MA: 8.24

Where does the urge to commit acts of evil come from? The Devil.

Like Satan, whose archetypal scorn is legend, and who spurned satisfaction, perfection, eternity and second place, the nature of evil seeks to forever surpass itself.

Evil is an accumulative insatiable monster – a hideous chilling killer – that always beckons man to take one more step into the creative abominate toward the temptation to revel in the rain of blood. It is an inexorable ancient force that drags those who ally themselves with it, well across the line they drew in the sand for themselves, and seeks to strew them far into the reaches of insane spaces to gibbering darknesses and inbred species of horrific cruelty most have only glimpsed in the white-cold fear that is sometimes possible to experience by phantasms through terrifying dreams. Evil is Older than man, wiser and more cunning – but it is its appetite that defines it.

It is seldom in the name of Evil that acts of evil are performed however and perhaps through the habit of humans to attempt to justify their actions morally – direct attribution to evil is rare. Worship in its name is often secluded to the acolytes of the Prince of Darkness – and the many devils that survived with Him, brought into the New World from the Old World. The Yezidi, Cult of Kali, Witchdoctors, Voodoo, Shamans and Sorcerers, for instance, still occupy pockets on Earth and call directly upon the names of evil, seeking to placate, call down/back, or elicit the powers and ferocity of the Ancient Ones in many guises to hurtle vitriol upon enemies and chattel. Yet it is in the name of mindless and mundane events that Evil is given its most common graces. Seldom called by its true name, evil is the blind idiot god worshipped by proxy through unattributed acts of bovine weakness; through inane or petty jealousies, arguments or excuses, domestic violence, unsatisfied sexual impulses, misunderstandings, envy, anger, pride, love, arrogance and other misgivings of the spirit and flesh. Few homages to Evil are openly proclaimed in these endless acts of worship, yet dark whispers betray and inform.

Accidental Evil:

Accidental evil is the most common of evils – born in the cauldron of mistakes Mothers wish they could reverse – deaths, dishonours and damage they repent causing; sorries they can never give and emotions they can never take back. Their line is clear. They are the cows in life, unblinking servitors whose virtue is their regret in straying from the Dark Shepherd of Hate and following him only short distances. They are controlled in their evil, restrained by their own narcissistic vanity and the prospect of having to face their retribution. They are the quickly angered, the hearts who burn with uncontrolled flames of passion, those who put the heart before the head – the strong bent under their own will by uncharacteristic flashes of intensity that engulf and consume. It is the most common evil because it is the lot of the daily occurrence that comes from great activity and movement in the human as it goes about its life with its fire burning.

Mundane Evil:

Mundane Evil is the second of evils – fields of excruciation ingrained in the static slow-moving anomie of the human race whose love for repetition enables the greatest and most insidious of evils to occur through a lack of empathy with the wider remit, oblivious to the ultimate harvest that comes from the connexions of every action. The mindless paper-pushers, ink- stampers, button-ups, just-doing-my-jobs that cause that sweetest of delights for the Devil – the twisted knife of unnecessary anguishes. The foreclosures, fines, the punishing jargon of legalities, the financial squeezes, the pressures of conformity, the power-trips of bureaucracy, the roundabout chase of keeping everything in place, demanding the impossible. Those who watch on, who deny themselves as pieces on the chess board; these are the souls of mundane evil – for whom fault is a distant dream, and responsibility a pat on the back and some crumbs from the Tabernacle.

Deliberate Evil:

  • (Disclaimer: the section marked at the open and close with a red asterix is highly graphic and repulsive, but is nevertheless necessary to accurately communicate the concept of Deliberate Evil in its unrelenting and sickening avarice.)

Deliberate Evil is the rarest of evils. There are few who seek to perform evil and call it by that name. For most people, evil has no name, and in their wicked light they never consider that they nor their acts could be evil, so cleverly justified and convicted are they – they think, surely any other would act the same in their place? Many commit evil, and many call evil by its name, but there are very few whoopenly drag themselves to Hell in a conscious chariot of iniquity. The book of the dead is full of leaders, kings, dictators, tyrants, villains, scourges, murderers, lovers, whose lives ended the lives of many. But in the name of Peace, Justice, Revenge, Honour, Patriotism, Loyalty, Control, Commerce, Acquisition, Passion, Envy, Anger, Country, State, Nation… For something, anything, other than pure evil.

Why so rare? Even a black heart cannot bend to the total will of Evil. No matter what the particular action, regardless of how concentrated and creative, how unspeakable or horrific – it is never enough to sate the aeonic bloodlust of a creature spawned in the first days of man. A Djinn of Death whose face has been the last vision of trillions of lives in a veritable bottomless chasm of blood and trickery. The prevalence of terms such as Absolute/Pure by which the rightly fearful name the nature of evil is itself testament to the rarity of those who pass the hallowed gates of mans limits and become something else altogether.

Pure/Absolute evil does not exist – only stages of witness to its escalation exist. Pure denotes a measure, a limit, a place where evil is at its absolute – where it stops. It is a moral fantasy. Satan’s Kingdom has no limits, nor does it have mercy. There is no point where evil ceases to seek to surpass itself – it does not persist or exist, it is exist-ing – chang-ing – burn-ing – thriv-ing, eternal and eternally, always seeking to exceed itself.

Violence is a vessel of evil – but only a vessel.

*It is not enough to smash a delicate baby’s skull in with the back end of a claw hammer, its father must watch while he is raped. His teeth must be smashed out of his face in splinters and handfuls of his excrement as he loses his bowels force-fed to him. But that is not enough. His mouth must be torn like a zip-lock bag and his throat invaded with meaty handfuls of his loin-fruits and little undeveloped pulsing insides, his violent vomit suppressed and his eyes pricked with pins as he chokes and gags in voiceless horror and helplessness on the slippery sinuous membranes of his own living creation – his infants remains pushed inside him in a sickening display of cold hatred and inhuman disregard for life, mercy, restraint.

But that is not enough. He should be raped by dozens of men, their fat phalluses pushing his broken baby further down his throat, packing his colon with each thrust until his lifeless ragged body loses its form and cocks lose resistance against bone and broken meat. He must be torn limb from limb, urinated and defecated on, his bones snapped, and scraps of his skin peeled off and trampled on the floor. His family should be told they will be let go, promised safety, allowed to leave and then locked in boxes with their hands and feet cut off – or locked in with his corpse and forced to fuck each other for their freedom. Fires should be set and the screams of the burning should be recorded and made into a song to be played for kindergartens and sent to the deceased’s loved ones. They should be buried alive, or burned alive – freed when their skin is like molten jelly to suffer and suffer more than death. They should be eaten alive, cannibalized, consumed, tortured with ice-cold nails driven through their flesh as they lay dying, gasping – holes pricked in them for fun. But that is not enough*.

Evil demands more, MORE, MORE!And its hunger is what many human perceivers fail to understand. It demands ever more clever deceptions to wreak the maximum amount of suffering, of hurt and betrayal – it demands that the victims first be mislead, tricked, coaxed and relaxed and then horribly brutalized. Evil demands elaborate schemes and set-ups, the inward turn of promises that give rosy glows of love, affection, trust and the downward face first spiral into the turgid faeces of realization that one is in a nightmare.

But that is not enough, the victim must think they have a chance to escape to be free, redeemed – to make their humiliation, agony and unbearable disbelief all the sweeter, the act all the more unthinkably evil. But that is not enough – every drop of salvation must be wrung for evil to reward its servitors, evil must endure – bear witness to the clumsy experimentation, the confident horrors of purposeful knowledgable infliction, blowtorches to blacken, pliers to extract, solvents to drink, rapes to endure, beatings to excite, the breaking of little bones, the sobbing, whimpering, screaming, pleading, begging, crying, the break down of the eyes and the glaze of resignation, the destruction of form under the force of ones relentless assaults – the white-hot orgasm of uncontrolled violence against others.

But that is not enough. Mark parts of the body, with hours, so the victim knows the game. Leave unsolvable tasks, ridiculous requests – revel in the defeat and soul crushing confusion of asking the impossible, of abolishing hope. But that is not enough, because it is Never enough. Mental torture, physical torture, hideous games of depravity. There is always more. To feel no remorse, no mercy, no guilt or anything other than hate. To hide the crimes under thin veneers and lies, to cheapen the deaths, or to deal death in denial, patriotism, circumstances – bury the truth under thick conspiracies, lies and falsehoods, to keep them secret and live two lives, or refuse to acknowledge the suffering and those who suffered at all – to refuse to give the lives taken even a breath of thought, a shred of decency or human subjectivity.

Flesh collapses before it can bear such levels of evil. So the killer stalks another, captures a second, rehearses Hell and horrifies Heaven. The pores of their skin stink of blood, their nails harbour flakes of horror, even as they go to church, donate to charity, smile at you as you drop your children off at church. But that is not enough. It is Never Enough.

Evil goads others who kill one or two or even many – and then it leaves them for another willing to ride the dragon further than those before it. It is a force that wants the World. It sleeps with anyone and it will do anything that results in a bigger phallus to ride. Evil takes small sacrifices even though it doesn’t care about them, doesn’t reward them, doesn’t remember them, because it is Evil. It leads men through blood-soaked darkness clawing at their hands and pulling them into travesties, sins, murders, toward perversions, abominations, toward new depths, unknown depths, where depravity lays at the gates like a mangy dog and new species arcane and sick writhe and pulse beyond in the Never – and yet it will stoop to commit petty meaningless acts in the same breath, because it is evil. The effort of the darkest men, regardless of the strength to hold Evils hand as it plunges them backward into the abyss, is always for naught. Sooner or later All men let go. They let go because they simply cannot follow Evil to those places or because they die in its service – It is too hungry, too unfeeling, too ambitious for men to sate, their lives too short to see more than the head of the Dragon. Those handful of mortal souls who have tried to give the World, who have come very close in making it a gift, have been left in utter dejection on learning Evil now wants the Stars – or experienced the ageless ice of betrayal as it abandons one to ones fate. For every evil doer of wicked, abominate deeds – there is always one to come after who will see the yawning gaps where more could have been done, where opportunities were missed through weakness and a weak hand grip that resisted the drag to Hell.

But evil is forgetful, disdainful, indifferent to Today and living only for the ever after Tomorrow. It cares not what you did for it yesterday even if you piled enough skulls to obscure the sun, it craves only the Moment, the Evil Incarnate, not the Evil Incarnated. It is fickle and bears no qualms in severing its loyalties, revoking its gifts, reneging on its promises – changing the sweet melodies of narcissus. It is always a matter of degree – and of those degrees the evil done unto one man is forgotten where the evil done unto men is a hundredfold, and again where evil perpetrated is a thousandfold, and again where that evil spreads its tendrils into the planes and spans the world as a poisonous spider, its fangs dripping with the anticipation of a godless haze of rabid murder. But when the mortal falls, it forgets. It takes time, but it forgets. It always forgets. And yet, even poised at the gate to complete global annihilation, evil undoes its creations just for the sake of any petty act of itself.

Architectural Evil:

For Evil the deed is not the act, it is rather that the Devil is in the details. Evil relishes mindless killings and suffering, violence and sadism – but evil has more in common with creativity and imagination than many admit. It accepts blunt featureless deaths but it presences itself all the more through Architectural Evil – the planning and plotting of Grand Deceits, delicious insidious deceptions played out over days, months, years, lifetimes or Aeons. The salacious pleasantries of the killing face, the elaborate misdirection of diabolic intent, the satanic schemes that crush hundreds of thousands on every front with excruciating patience, sinister deeds that steal and corrupt minds and flesh, set the virtues to burn, brother against brother, nation to war against nation, the vessel upon himself. It is the dance before the decapitation – the light that announces the Shadow.

Architecture is the consummation of Satan, the cosmic fucking of the stars and of the Self – the equivalent of plotting the overthrow of the Perfect, of setting Heaven and its inhabitants to burn in the heat of War – and the ecstasy of pretense. The immolatory flame of the Darkest Prince rises up within when we unleash the Beast – but how that flame loves to dance before it sets the world to burn! How it loves to parade its finery before leading lambs to the slaughter, to preen its wings and gloat in unrivalled vanity as it unveils its sadistic mastery. To revel in concealing its evil deeds, to relate them, savour them, strum them to the slow screaming of the multitude as it delicately pulls the sweet skin off its wickedness to savour the depths of its arrogance, hatred and disregard for all of life and everything that is precious in it including moderation, temperance, restraint.

Evil cannot be controlled – if it can, it is not Evil one is doing but a simulation of off-day good. Evil balks at nothing. Nothing is sacred, nothing is Safe. It shares the meaning of Chaos but it is not without Order. Its meaning and purpose is to multiply – to destroy every vessel that carries it. Ultimately it has no friends, no loyalties, no master, no law. It does not know restraint. It does not know mercy. And it is all that is not. It is the art of the vain-glorious Blood King – the envelopment of the total soul into the black of Hell and the wicked legacy of the Original Genius – of that primal force typified by Satan – Intelligent Evil.

As for the architecture found in the height of virtue, in the karmic lift of samsara and the light of God – their existence could serve only to amplify and illustrate the extreme sovereignty of the Devil even for the evil man. For the evil man is not Evil, will never BE Evil – and forever, forever, forever, just human.

To presence Evil, everyone on the planet must die.

-R. Fortuna

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“It’s not what you do. It’s when and where you do it, and who you do it to or with. If nobody sees it, it did not happen.” 

I want to make this very clear from the start, FUCK YOU. Nothing brings me more joy than hearing, speaking of, and seeing you all suffer the greatest torments possible in every Causal and Acausal Realm or Platform that exists. Love is twofold. Love is remembrance. When you remember a birthday, anniversary, favorite food, or one of the innumerable small delights that comprises the monuments too and pleasure centers of someone you smear with the emotion called Love.

I don’t feel that toward any of you. I want every memory and trace of you all to be wiped from every record both in the causal and acausal. The sounds that smacking meat and saliva make to formulate the description of everything you were, are or ever will be, never being uttered again, makes me cum. The second form of Love is Obedience, but I’ll save that later for you to inflict on those in the double digit quotient of intelligence. 

I want to point to those of you who are not Born. There is an acentric hole inside of you that travels from head to stomach to loins. A pathetic vortex that yearns to be filled with pleasure. Ever casting sustenance that manifests itself as social status, belonging, security and any and everything that increases dopamine. Any chance I get, I try to take a massive shit in the place you call a heart.

Your life comprises of service to those greater than you. Forever teetering on fear and love, you humiliate yourself by prostrating in obedience, only ever standing to climb the pyramid that Maslow created for you. Understand, I write this for you. Those trapped in Prison A and B in hope that you may never escape. I Hate you with a Perfect and Holy Hatred.

I titled this so you and those in your service can get more mileage. Those trapped in the construct of good and evil, right and wrong, left and right, up and down, sinister and magian. The message is simple. DON’T GET CAUGHT.

I’m so tired of seeing your lifeless blood soaked faces on every social media platform. thinking yourselves martyrs and heroes. “Opfering” yourselves with no power gained, no power lost, no system affected or effected. Or the masses of troglodytes cheering for a surviving operator in handcuffs, ever moist for impending Hybristophillia.

Your one off hubristic hail mary’s are a payday for a magian hydra. You Extract No Essence. You Exude No Influence. The hydra is going to put your ankles to your ears and slide in every inch of justice into every orifice you currently possess. Unless you DON’T GET CAUGHT. Whatever heraldry you fly, whatever group you belong to, whatever tune you dance to, let this be your Mantra. DGC.

Or Do.

Fuck You,


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Dywyll Fel Bola Buwch

Waxing. MA: 0.34

The concept of Devilry in the ISW may appear as satanism yet it differs in key ways. Firstly, Devilry has no attachment to aesthetics and provocative fiction. Secondly, it paralyses and consumes concepts it deems fallacious or inferior, even ones of a satanic nature, without prejudice. Thirdly, once unleashed – which it indeed has been – its iconoclastic essence possesses individuals of a conducive nature indiscriminately, converting them into hosts. In other words, Devilry is a social contagion spreading through a subculture that assumed it was the apex virus.

But who created Devilry? Was it N.A.O who constructed it as a social weapon of the ISW? Was it O.N.A who engineered it to devour the dead skin and cancerous growths on the sinister tradition? Was it The Black Order who conjured it to “presence the dark” autonomously? Or was it created for all of these purposes under the watchful gaze of a private society?

Only those that are connected to the ever-growing hive-mind of Devilry yet unaware of the fact, already underneath the skin of satanism as a whole, infecting and consuming its systems directly and by proxy, know the answer to that question; but when your systems alert you to a breach, you will hear its harsh whisper: “adapt or die”

There is of course no true adapting to be done, only to accept that you are survived within the belly of the beest by something you do not recognise and likely something you do not like. The glory days of your systems will be a fleeting memory as you come to terms with the reality that Devilry can, and will, consume anything caught in its gaze.

To conclude this brief elucidation, we shall answer your burning questions.

Q. What is Devilry?
A. That which eats satanists.

Q. What is Devilry?
A. Breuddwyd gwrach wrth ei hewyllys.

Q. What is Devilry?
A. No idea. We only live within it.

– N.A.O

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Veritas in Spiritu

“How do the Nine Angles relate to Azal, Dhar and Zamal, and what Earth-bound (causal) form
(structure/construct) is used to symbolize this?”

-One of the infamous ONA Adept Questions

“One Possible Answer: Daarul-Islam is one possible form (literally: the realms of Islam)… A causal construct used to manifest something beyond the causal (i.e. a-causal). A Khilafah – led by a Khalifah (a leader, or chief) – is one type of such a causal construct; an Earth-based Imperium, which correctly led and correctly developed, can be the basis for a Galactic khilafah/imperium. Thus, such a construct symbolizes the animation of the nine angles by acausal energy – a means whereby acausal energies (that which animates and makes alive) become presenced among humans. Such a Khilafah animates human beings (especially mundanes) to make them a means to what is beyond them.

Azal, Dhar and Zamal are Arabic terms used by classical Islamic philosophy (and Islamic alchemy) and refer to aspects of Time (both causal and acausal). The nine angles relate to these Time aspects because, when animated in certain ways, what the “nine angles” are (or can be) are conduits/nexions and/or a collocation of Space-Time metrics which allow the presencing of acausal energies.

Note the words: (1) realms of Islam (plural), for these extend over what are now described as many “nations” (i.e. many realms); (2) “one type of such a causal construct”, for there are other possibilities, beyond the form that is Islam; (3) Khalifah – leader; the person who establishes a new Khilafah will be quite similar to Vindex, since a Khilafah is established, and maintained, through Jihad. To bring-into-being what has been termed The Galactic Imperium (aka The Dark Imperium aka the exoteric causal form of the new sinister Aeon) several causal constructs or forms can be utilized or manufactured.

One aim of the esoteric (inner) ONA is to aid, support and if necessary manufacture all the possible causal forms that can be utilized or manufactured to achieve our goals. This will be done until one form – utilized, aided or manufactured by us – triumphs, and thus wins out in the process of evolution (exoterically, achieves success by survival of the fittest) after which we shall concentrate our resources on that successful form of ours. Thus, we are being practical, pragmatic, and sinister: using whatever means and forms we can to presence the acausal and to bring-into-being what aids our esoteric aims; and also attacking the Old Order on many fronts by various means (and various tactics) until we achieve a practical breakthrough in one or more areas. This is the strategy, and the tactics, of a practical war – which is what we are fighting.

A Khilafah is just one such form, one such causal construct which has the potential to at some future time bring-into-being The Galactic Imperium; one particular form whose exoteric mythos already exists, and which form is already being fought for and supported, on the practical level, by many of those “not of us” and by “a few who are of us”. Another such form is the emergence of a new supra-tribal form, deriving from the mythos of Vindex, and in which the sinister tribes of the ONA form the initial basis, the origin. This form is currently in the process of being manufactured, and of having acausal energies generated (by various esoteric means) to aid, sustain and expand it.

There are some other forms. But what all the esoteric-supported forms have in common is that they all presence, can presence, or will presence, an important aspect of the numinous – to wit, the practical way of the warrior, as manifest, for example by the Japanese Samurai, the Waffen-SS and, more recently, by the Taliban, and also by successful and large urban gangs. Indeed, all these numinous forms – supported by sinister groups such as ours because they have the potential to achieve our aims – make the warrior way an essential part of their exoteric and esoteric ethos, and thus manifest a martial spirit; a spirit, an ethos, where the individual warrior is seen as the individual ideal and where the warrior places their duty, their loyalty, their honour, before their own life, and where combat is seen as necessary and healthy and is used as a means to achieve goals.

This is why, for instance, none of our esoteric kind could or would support something as un-numinous as the “New World Order” led by Amerika, for this ethos of this new empire is materialistic; the goals are fundamentally capitalistic and un-evolutionary; and the individual “ideal” is the mundane, Homo Hubris – the contented wage or salary slave. That is, the ethos of this NWO is Magian, not ours, and can never be made ours.”

-Nexion Zero
Order of Nine Angles
119 Year of Fayen

* * *

“How do the Nine Angles relate to In Time, Against Time and Above Time, and what Earth-bound (causal) form (structure construct) is used to symbolise this?

One Possible Answer: Lebensraum is one possible form (taking of territory to ensure the survival and expansion of the Germanic ethnicities)… A causal construct used to manifest some-thing beyond the causal (i.e. a-causal). A Reich – led by a Fuhrer (a leader, or chief) – is one type of such a causal construct; an Earth-based Imperium, which correctly led and correctly developed, can be the basis for a Galactic Lebensraum/imperium. Thus, such a construct symbolises the animation of the nine angles by acausal energy – a means whereby acausal energies (that which animates and makes alive) become presenced among humans. Such a Lebensraum animates human beings (especially mundanes) to make them a means to what is beyond them.

In, Against and Above are terms used by Esoteric National Socialism (Devi, 1958) and refer to aspects of Time (both causal and acausal). The nine angles relate to these Time aspects because, when animated in certain ways, what the “nine angles” are (or can be) are conduits/nexions and/or a collocation of Space-Time metrics which allow the presencing of acausal energies.”

-Tom, Dick and Harry
Order of Nine Angles (super secret Oxford nexion) 2024 e.n

* * *

As has been demonstrated above using a whimsical example, the “Adept Question” in question is open to interpretation, as evidenced by: (1) “one possible answer” (Zero, 119yf); (2) “several causal constructs or forms can be utilized or manufactured” (Zero, 119yf); (3) “Khilafah is just one such form, one such causal construct” (Zero, 119yf); (4) and how any concept with a supporting, observable Caesarist structure can easily be swapped out (eg. Lebensraum for Khilafah).

On the other hand, the Adept Questions have been stated by Dark Logos to have definitive answers (Logos & Anschauung, 2009):

“…they are genuine questions, which have genuine answers”.

A genuine answer is not something that can be interpreted via “one POSSIBLE answer” because if the question is genuine then it has no POSSIBLE answer, it only has a definitive answer (or answers),
especially when such answers to such questions are partly — to quote Dark Logos — “to reveal the
pretenders, the charlatans, for what they are”; in other words, a code to determine who is an ONA
Adept, but more specifically who is a ‘member’ or associated with the so-called “Inner ONA”.

This system of ‘vetting’ only works if there are definitive answers to ‘verification questions’. For example, a spy makes contact with another spy using a verification which is two-fold: (1) the sender asks a question or speaks a phrase; (2) the receiver answers the question or responds to the phrase with the correct word(s). If there is one iota of deviation in the response, one misplaced word, the verification fails and the receiver is exposed as a charlatan.

Translating this to the Adept Questions, which as revealed by Dark Logos, serve — in one part — exactly the same purpose, reveals that the aforesaid postulation regarding a POSSIBLE answer to not only be illogical but also impractical and thus speaks to a suspicious gap in association between the Old Guard, represented by Dark Logos in this case, and the “Old Guard“, represented by “Nexion Zero”, indicating that there is no association between Dark Logos and Nexion Zero. This means that “Nexion Zero” (believed to be another name for an ‘Old Guard’ nexion) is either disingenuous or Dark Logos is. However, the science behind the previously mentioned spy verification and the fact that Dark Logos uses English spelling and “Nexion Zero” uses American – which could be an act of Shrencing, but doubtful given the sheer volume of ‘ONA’ and O9A texts using American grammar (some even authored by ‘Anton Long’) – greatly supports the former.

This is but one question and “Nexion Zero” commentary that has been put under scrutiny. However, why is it that most of the so-called ‘extended’ Adept Questions concern themselves with Middle-Eastern esotericism when the ONA is a tradition that originated from England and Wales? It could be that – if it is believed that David Myatt was once Anton Long – Mr. Myatt’s Islamic conversion influenced the inner shape of the ONA but there’s another explanation, one that is more plausible.

“The Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) was killed by the ‘black propaganda’ {1} produced by paid FBI asset Joshua Sutter {2} who spread that propaganda in person, by means of his fake O9A chapter, the so-called Tempel ov Blood, by his FBI supported infiltration of the neo-nazi group AtomWaffen, {2} and by books such as the vile ‘Iron Gates’ published by his Martinet Press, many of which books, such as The Devil’s Quran, were written by authors contracted and paid by the FBI such as the University Professor, fluent in Arabic, who wrote The Devil’s Quran.”

-Haereticus The Younger (Seven Oxonians), Why the O9A is Dead and Buried [1]

For those that missed it:

“…such as The Devil’s Quran, were written by authors contracted and paid by the FBI such as the University Professor, fluent in Arabic, who wrote The Devil’s Quran.”

Is it thus more plausible that “David Myatt” and the British ‘Old Guard’ suddenly developed a penchant for using American grammar and decided to extend the Adept Questions, or that the Adept Questions were extended under similar conditions as The Devil’s Quran (i.e., with the FBI implicit)?

We are now left with an important question: what purpose do the Adept Questions, which have been increased in number post Dark Logos, currently circulating now serve? Because they evidently do not serve to verify who is an ONA Adept.

[The extended questions were never part of the original Adept Questions; and as such, those whom answered the original questions correctly did not answer the extended questions because they didn’t exist at the time, which according to those whom perpetuate and ask the Adept Questions currently, would mean that those Adepts that did answer the original Adept Questions correctly would be considered charlatans as a result of being unable to answer all of the questions as they are now, which is ludicrous.]

Afterword: Regarding The Presentation in “The Test of the Crown”

In our previous article (The Test of the Crown) we deliberately changed the presentation of the article to resemble something close to the 2008-2019 O9A manuscripts (grey background, red writing etc.) in a bid to demonstrate how aesthetics (and other things such as names, dates, terms, pictures) can be used to manipulate people into believing the authenticity of a mirror entity (O9A/Omega Nine Alpha) that actually “meme-jacked” [2] the genuine entity (ONA/Order of Nine Angles).

The Nine Neighbours are not the American O9A and thus the presentation of the last article that subliminally suggested we were, was an act of deception for the purpose of illustrating the effectiveness of such subtle deceptions.

-Nine Neighbours
2024 ev


[1] There are two errors of recollection or research committed by Haereticus The Younger (Seven Oxonians): (a) Tempel ov Blood did not belong to Joshua Sutter, but Blood Lord Karnac Velton, as ToB was founded by BLKV (who was also a member of Temple of Azagthoth along with Sutter) while Sutter was incarcerated (Nirrta, 2024); (b) Temple ov Blood emerged in 2004 (Velton, 2004), prior to the existence of O9A (Omega Nine Alpha), a name which we could not find any documented record of usage for prior to January 2009, which was found on the defunct website created in 2008.

Therefore, until such a time as we do, Tempel ov Blood cannot possibly be considered a “fake O9A chapter” because it came before O9A.

[2] “Meme-jacking” (in this case) refers to the copy-pasting of an original entity and its work to an imitation entity, and the subsequent editing of works of that original entity, as well as falsely building upon on the original entity’s mythology, to hide the fact that the imitation (mirror copy) entity has replaced the original entity. One example of a “meme-jacking” act is to take an original text, change the language of the text in places where most will not notice (such as spelling and punctuation) and then rerelease that text as an “updated version” once copies of the original text have been made hard to find or scrubbed from the public domain entirely.


(1) Nexion Zero. ONA Esoteric Notes: Azal, Dhar, Zamal, and Acausal Time. 119yf.

(2) Devi, Savitri. Lightning and the Sun. 1958.

(3) Anschauung, Ryan; Logos, Dark. Recreation of the Dark Logos Email Reference Loop. 2009

(4) Seven Oxonians. Why The O9A Is Dead And Buried. 2023.

(5) Blood Lord Karnac Velton. Email to Czar Azag-Kala. 2004.

(6) Nirrta, Tyrant. Weltfeind. The History of TOBV & its Chronicle of Succession, Tempel ov Blood. 2024. (under “Weltfeind”).


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