Outcome: Green
Closed: 08/01/2025
Category: Druwydry -The Insidious Way
Selected Texts Of The Society Of Dark Lily
It is with a great appreciation for the Dark Tradition’s past that we can move into Wyrd.
Here is a little offering for the readers of 9AO: selected texts of The Society of Dark Lily (1987- 1993).
Salt and Crossing the Abyss
As many have remarked, it seems odd that Salt is placed second in the Septenary System’s nine-fold sequence of initiation referred to by Anton Long as the “principle of metamorphosis”. After all, Salt is attributed to the unconscious, which many associate with the state prior to the first initiatory stage of awakening, so it would make sense for Mercury, a representation of the masculine and introverted to come second in the sequence, as that logically proceeds awakening.
However, confronting the unconscious is a core component of any magick system, which occurs around the midway point of initiation in most systems. In terms of alchemy, the second stage is the muliebral, regarded as the creative and expansive stage (Gettings, 1981).
As is the case with the Septenary System, the journey begins with the [masculine] Ego: introverted feeling, intuition and thinking. It then moves onto the second stage of the [muliebral] Unconscious: extroverted feeling, thinking and intuition. Finally, it arrives at a consonance of both masculine and muliebral in the third stage known as the Self: Master of Temple/Mistress of Earth, Grand Master/Grand Mistress and Immortal/Homo Galactica (Long, 1976).
Ad libitum: while the Ego could be considered to be extraverted in so far as its physical expression is commonly understood, it is actually introverted because it is only concerned with the microcosm of the causal, not the macrocosm of the acausal. The term ‘introverted’ therefore – contextually – means myopic and ‘extraverted’ means open-mindedness, as it relates to considerations of the acausal and the numinous.
The unification of the masculine and muliebral, or Sol and Luna, is the stage known in hermetic alchemy as the Double Pelican, which Carl Jung referred to as Enantiodromia, but the Sinister Tradition refers to as “Crossing the Abyss.”
The term itself perfectly encapsulates the alchemical process, for the abyss is a representation of the second stage — Unconscious, which is dark, unfamiliar and opposing; the polar opposite of the first stage — Ego, which is light, known and resonating.
The action of “crossing” is an allegory for how the initiate confronts the muliebral Unconscious, that which is hidden deep and repressed. The initiate walks the tightrope suspended above the unknown of their psyche in order to reach the other side, at which time they have made the unknown known made the unconscious conscious, and apprehend the whole of their being before it was — to quote David Myatt — “cleaved into parts”. This is likely what Anton Long refers to as being one’s opposite yet beyond both.
Hopefully, this has cleared up the previous misconception and explained why the alchemical symbol for Salt is placed second in the sequence of the principle of metamorphosis; and in addition, provided new insight into the alchemical process known as “crossing the abyss.”
Gettings, Fred. Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils. 1981
Long, Anton. Emanations of Urania: Notes Toward a Heuristic Representation of Cliology. 1976.
Touching The Dying Sun
Waning. SA: 0.53 / MA: 0.51
A decaying Aeonic city, dripping with homogenous metallic water, breaks through the forbidden angles of the House. The smell of iron fills the air and dread cascades down into the collective subconscious of the causal.
Before us, sits invisibly, a haggard old king, adorned with robes the colour of dying Sol — The Hermit? Nay, it is not human! This “thing” perceived as a king is a god outside of time. Its nihilistic kingdom of death and life bears the infernal name Karkosa, for it can only be seen in hindsight conjunction with Mars, after one has existed there.
The Rubedo eyes of the rusted king forces the unification of the contradictory and opposing aspects of the self upon meeting its gaze. The double pelican flies above. Its will imparts an understanding that insanity is but sanity coming to terms with the boundlessness of the cosmos, yet the king decrees that sanity and insanity may find horrific confluence, birthing a dancing star from LASHTAL.
Lapsit ex coelis, Lucifer freshly fallen, brings the Spear of Wyrd to His caller(s) for which there are Nine. The Nine become Dragons of three forms: Serpent, Fire and Man. Ascalon pierces the heart of the first, releasing the second to be absorbed by the third; but Man is not yet able to hold Fire and thus it becomes an ember hidden, keeping warm the dormant Serpent until the Becoming.
The Serpent bestows lightning to the mage, and the tongue to speak beyond this world yet for it. For that is the divine Will of Khem; and all whom have the Serpent occluded shall be as His prophets once awakened.
The Serpent bears seven eyes. One for each sphere, which are constellations in space and beating hearts of great inexplicable horrors that walked Terra long ago. The number is 93, greater than 13, but 13 is that which must be avoided to reach 20.
Thus, the Key is Red and that which is Yellow keeps it beyond grasp, for it is the beginning known as the Fool…
The Druwyd’s Odyssey: An Alchemical Journey of 9 Worlds Outlined

The Preface
The following outline is provided as a barebones framework for understanding Druwydry. It takes the form of a Great Oak, and as such is seeded in the fertile soil of the Prima Materia. In keeping true to the nature of the Great Oaks, it will continue to grow with each cycle. As the seasons change, thus the character of the Great Oak will reflect the season. Sometimes barren, other times bearing fruit. The occasional new growth should be anticipated.
The Grand Tapestry of Existence
Eternity (Æthyr): The primordial source and the undifferentiated Absolute (Great Void).
Great Cosmos: Encompasses all the worlds within the Emanation.
The Druwyd: An individual seeking self-knowledge and integration, navigating the vastness of the Great Cosmos and yearning for the unity of Eternity.
The Forge: Represents the various challenges and experiences encountered on the path of transformation. These challenges correspond to different worlds within the Emanation:
- WORLD 1 (The 9 Dimensional Existence): The first level of differentiation from Eternity.
- WORLD 3 (The 8 Dimensional Existence): All dimensions within the Great Cosmos (All that is beyond the Great Canopy.
- WORLD 6 (The Great Understory): The Macrocosm or “Milky Way”, our starry galaxy.
- WORLD 12 (The Solar System): The Seeds of the Tree of Wyrd.
- WORLD 24 (Earth): The Natural Worldly Order.
- WORLD 48 (Man): The human experience.
- WORLD 96 (The Root): The Microcosm, The internal world of Luna and the Dark Pool.
The Prima Materia (First Matter)
WORLD 48: Represents the starting point, the untransformed human condition. It embodies the three core forces:
Insidious (Mercury): The mercurial principle.
Heretical (Sulphur): The divine spark within.
Terrestrial (Salt): The grounding force.
The Druwydry (The Great Work):
The stages of the Druwydry remain the same, representing the Druwyd’s inner journey. However, the Druwyd strives for a state of being that resonates with the interconnectedness of the Cosmos, the divine spark within, and the ultimate unity.
The Druwyd’s Dwelling Places:
- WORLD 48 (Man): The Druwyd grapples with emotions, social interactions, and their shadow aspects.
- WORLD 96 (Microcosm): The Druwyd explores the fundamental building blocks of existence and the Bio-survival Circuit.
The Cosmic Landscape
- WORLD 6 (The Great Understory): Governed by the Laws of the Solar System and Great Cosmos. The Druwyd encounters the Cosmic Element (represented by Venus) and the influence of Xeno (Life in the Galaxy). The vastness ignites a sense of wonder and confronts the Druwyd with the Six Forces governing the Macrocosm. They might embody the Necromancer (Undertaking), undertaking the great work of transformation within the galactic arena.
- WORLD 12 (The Solar System): Governed by the Laws of Earth and Macrocosm. The Druwyd encounters the Air Element and the influence of Sol (Life in the Solar System). This world represents the Celestial Existence, aligning with the Symbolic Circuit (The Rational Mind). The Druwyd might explore the Lux (Eagle), Dance Oracle, Antares (Orange-Gold), representing a deeper level of transformation within this world. These are the Seeds of Wyrd.
The Earthly Realm
WORLD 24 (Earth): Governed by the Laws of Man and the Solar System. The Druwyd encounters the Water Element and the influence of Eden (Life on Earth). This world represents Organic Life, with the Twenty-Four Forces shaping existence. The Druwyd might embody the Anarchist (Mayhem), highlighting the potential for destructive impulses. The Elixir of Ecological Balance helps navigate these challenges.
The Human Experience
WORLD 48 (Man): Governed by the Laws of Microcosm and Earth. The Druwyd encounters the Fire Element and the influence of Adam (One Base, Three Values + 1). This world represents the human experience, a 4-dimensional reality. It aligns with the Emotional-Territorial Circuit (Freud’s Ego), the foundation of emotions, social interactions, and self-preservation. The Assassin (Havok) archetype embodies a distorted expression of this circuit. The Elixir of Emotional Harmony helps cultivate a balanced expression.
The Microcosmic Roots
WORLD 96 (The Roots): Governed by the Laws of Man. It is here that we can have the most (influence) effect. The Druwyd encounters the Earth Element and the influence of Polar + 1 (Cause, Action, Effect). This world represents the fundamental building blocks of existence, a 3-dimensional reality. It aligns with the Bio-survival Circuit. Represented by Luna and the Dark Pool from which the roots drink.
The Orientation of the Map
There are two paths to achieving what has been deemed the “philosopher’s stone”, what are they? Where does this Odyssey lead? What can we learn from Arcturus?
The Rounwytha In Context – Reposted

°°° ° °°° We republish here an item, first published in 2012, with the self-explanatory title The Rounwytha Way In History and Modern Context. The Rounwytha In Context °°° ° °°°
The Rounwytha In Context
The Dark Crier
For too long now, the narrative has been controlled by bad actors or outside sources. It’s hard to get honest updates in the folds of the Internet, so we’ve decided to do something about that. We’ve created a Telegram Channel.
The Dark Crier aims to provide a news source for the Satanic, Sinister, Insidious, and Dark Occult Tradition. If you wish to submit an editorial for review email it to:
We plan to bring you the following:
1. News
2. Interviews
3. Videos
4. Reviews
5. Recommendations
6. Culture
7. Publications
8. Editorials
9. Merchandise
Tune in. Turn out. Stay informed.
Some Questions For DWM 2024

Ξ Ξ Ξ Some Questions for DWM Summer 2024 Ξ Ξ Ξ
Some Questions For DWM 2024
Recently I got to ask David Myatt some questions. Here are the results of that.
T.C. Downey
Rouns of Draiocht – Announcement
It is with great pleasure that, I am announcing a new phase in Druwydry, gifted to our Tradition from a long-surviving, aural magick tradition which is still being practised by a few extended pagan families within certain rural locals of the British Isles, areas where the original inhabitants —now termed Celts but originally termed Britons by the Romans — were forced into hiding or exile during the Roman invasion of Britain circa 43 AD.
We now give you a black book comprised of old ways and nouveau practices. Not constructed from the late 20th century “re-constructionist witchcraft and druidry”, but instead a genuine pagan grimoire.
You can get a sneak peak of it here (Download), but the full copy can only be found in the physical book. Which you can purchase from the link below.
The Reflected Revealed – One Ritual of Shamanic and Necromantic Channeling
Find a location where the bones of an animal have been buried and arrange several medium-sized stones in a henge to resemble the symbol of the A:O. Once night has fallen, place two candles on the left and right side of the A:O symbol, using lanterns to protect the candles from the wind if necessary.
Beginning at the top of the symbol, walk widdershins around the stones while using the shaker, ensuring the rhythm of the shaking is akin to a heartbeat. One rotation translates to one reverse revolution of the Earth around the Sun, so walk around the stones until the number of revolutions reaches the year in which the animal perished. If you do not possess that knowledge, cease when it feels right, ending where you began.
Walk through the centre of the stones, turn around and kneel in front of the bottom of the A:O symbol. Focus on the area where the bones are situated and visualise the essence outline of the animal rising from its resting place, its luminescent colour corresponding to the emotion it felt at the moment of its passing. Allow yourself to become a nexion for the spirit of the animal: roar, scream, yelp, whimper. Be honest about what you feel from the animal and channel it into wondrous expression, permitting it to change you, shift you, into the animal.
Before long, exhaustion will take root. You will collapse to the floor and be presented with the option to close your eyes and engage the visions that come, or enjoy the chthonic emptiness of the night sky above.
Addendum: Crafting the Shaker
For the construction of the shaker the following ingredients and equipment are required: 1 fabric pouch, 2 small glass vials (with corks), 3 small pieces of quartz, seeds, blood-infused salt or soil and several tiny stones.
Begin by filling the pouch with some salt. Add the tiny stones to the glass vials, fill them a quarter of the way, seal them, and then add them – plus the rest of the ingredients – to the pouch. Make sure the contents of the pouch have enough room to clash, lest an underwhelming sound be generated upon shaking.
Penultimately, fasten several bone fragments to a length of string and tie it around the pouch about an inch below the top, proceeding to seal the top of the pouch with hot wax. Lastly, attach the sigil or symbol relevant to the working(s) that the shaker will be used for by drawing the sigil/symbol on a small piece of parchment and sealing it against the pouch with hot wax.