Undertow – The Currents of Influence

For far too long, we have suppressed the whole of our beings. We do so by our own volition. We recklessly submit to erroneous and often purposely imposed influences. In that submission; we deny ourselves evolution. We fail to see the pitfall of not developing our full body. Claiming we are a unique being. Yet going along with the herd at the same time. A marionette of mundanes. Throughout this site, you will find tools which can be used to cut these strings.

Remember it is said, “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

Carefully choosing what influences you, will greatly impact the character of your being. We are living organisms. It stands to reason that, what we intake (IE.. Nutrition, chemical infusion, etc.) will directly augment what we output. In following this to its entirety, we discover a universal principle of causal effect.

When we discuss it at this level of psycho-physiology (termed here ‘the meta’); we are examining a parallel concept to what G.I. Gurdjieff spoke of as identification. Allowing the transition from Man #1 #2 #3 into #4 or #5 and then sequentially #6 and #7.

It can be understood that Man 1-2-3 and 4 are “In Time”, with Man #5 being the pinnacle of what is possible “In Time”. #6 and #7 are then respectively “Against Time” and “Above Time”. These ideas reflect a kind of echo of the 7FW and Hermetic Traditions. Predisposing the initiate to specific influences and catalyzing the meta change.

“The Dark Gods, who in deepest secret entity are powers of the Unconsciousness whether personal or collective, seated in it as in their proper home, are in their knowledge “sinister-truth-conscious” and in their action possessed of the “seer-will”. Their unconscious force turned towards chaos evoking works and dark creation is possessed and guided by a perfect and direct knowledge of the thing to be done, its essence and its law,a knowledge which determines a whole effective will-power that does not deviate or falter in its process or in its result, but expresses and fulfils spontaneously and inevitably in the act that which is seen in their energy.”

– Magister Hagur

In the quote above, we can recognize that Hagur is describing something which can be understood as the law of influence. We can recognize what might be vectored as the ‘hand of the Dark Gods” in the statement. Allowing the Work of the dark creation to flow through the unconscious into action. He even assigns categories, personal or collective. Which we can liken to scales of alchemy. The internal alchemy of the psychonaut and the external alchemy (sorcery) of the cosmonaut.

Sorcery is like alchemy in that it is about understanding the polarizations of opposing forces. Recognizing where they attract and where they repel, and then ascending above them at just the right moment, so that you might put a hand in their direction. That you might influence the current.

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The Cosmic Order of Mayhem

The political philosophy of anarchism is integral to self-development and individuation, alchemically speaking, but its general apprehension and application is myopic and considerably juvenile as consequence of its adherents possessing a lack of knowledge of Heraclitus’ concept of flux.

Heraclitus posited that life exists in a perpetual flow of change; that nothing remains the same; that order and disorder phase in and out of existence.

The average anarchist states their commitment to ensuring a lasting state of entropy within societal systems for the purpose of providing everlasting autonomy and opposing any form of subjugation. The issue with this directive is that it goes against the concept of flux and Nature’s mechanics, which ostensibly present that every facet of life experiences a period of order and disorder.

The forest, for example, lives in a state of order: there is hierarchy among the living things within the trees and fauna, with every living thing consuming, breeding and sheltering in accord with that hierarchy. That is until a wild fire comes along and sows disorder, burning to cinders their habitats and uprooting their routines; decimating plant life and killing animals and insects in the process. After the passing of time, the forest begins to bloom again and become populated once more, returning order to it – c’est la vie.

Flux reveals that order and disorder co-exist in a macrocosm; for their expressions – as and when they are expressed – are part of a cycle, a system, an order, which is cosmic.

“We both step and do not step into the same, we both are and are not”
— Heraclitus

Therefore, this cosmic flow of order and disorder is something that cannot be prevented by human agency, only delayed, as the dam will inevitably break and order or disorder will drown our binary beliefs.

What this means is that chaos cannot be the only raison d’être for the anarchist because to continue under the notion reveals a hubristic lack of insight in addition to indolent reasoning. The purpose of an anarchist must reasonably and empathetically be to create fertile ground for the seeds of the new, creating conditions through destruction and disorder in which natural order, sans human interference, can bloom.

The alchemical application of this raison d’être as it relates to Mayhem – the Anarchist instance in the Nine Worlds cosmology of the 9A:O – will hopefully contribute to self-development in so far that an understanding of the expressions of Mayhem, as being part of the natural cosmic order, has been imparted by this revision of conventional anarchism.

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Cychwyn – An Offering for The Dread Mother

“They hear of us, but do not hear us.
They know of us, but do not know us.
They see us, but do not see within us.
They need not hear us, only our deeds.
They need not know us, only our mark.
They need not see within us, only within themselves.”

– Mantra of The Insidious Way

The initiative process of the Insidious Way is handled by way of traditional initiation. As such, there is no reality in which a practitioner can become a brother or sister of the Way without being sanctioned by passing the following test, which is tripartite and features intimations of the Dread Mother and other such correspondences.


Candidates are first tested by being assigned a recruitment task. They must identify, approach and build a rapport with a Bawrn for the purpose of recruitment without the target learning of the intention, It takes a Bawrn to know another. Thus, this initial test will prove or disprove the social engineering capabilities of the candidate – in addition to confidence, acumen and natural magnetism, which is part and parcel of a proficient Grayling – to reveal the beginnings of the Darkhorse within them if it is indeed present.


The second test is a matter of knowing the literature and ethos of The Insidious Way, recognising weaknesses within the self, and proving as such via a written test that will be assessed by the founder of the Way.


The final test is known as The Game: a sinister festival of a competitive nature that begins on Winter Solstice once aurally revealed to the candidate, and is to be executed on the Eve of Samhain. Once the candidate has passed all three tests they are awarded the opportunity to join the subterranean 9A:O network of Darkhorses, that sense and act in unified accordance with Wyrd as it is apprehended through the A:O, to further the sinister dialectic.

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The Aosoth Rites

The concept of insight roles, as once utilised by the Order of Nine Angles, provided practitioners of their Septenary System with a means for attaining insight through pathei-mathos. The types of adversity customarily propagated with concerns to insight roles are political extremism and criminality. Becoming a monk, Taoist or Muslim is also discussed but less so than the aforesaid.

While enveloping ourselves in political, criminal and religious ways and traditions will no doubt yield insight, do we ever stop to ask ourselves what we are gaining insight for? It cannot simply be to progress from Neophyte to Master/Mistress of Earth – and Immortal upon causal death – in hopes that we ascertain Lapis Philosophicus upon reaching the alchemical stage of Exultation; and if that is what we believe, surely we must have missed something? When honest thought is given and we look beyond aesthetics, the truth of what is missing becomes apparent: self-possession, which Christos Beest identifies as:

knowledge that allows one to consciously improve/evolve and use natural abilities (or ‘gifts’) – such as sexual charisma – to the advantage of personal Destiny and Wyrd, and to confront and resolve those qualities within character which are detrimental.

Adhering to this description reveals insight roles to be much more varied than originally envisioned. One such variation, which is anything but outwardly profound, would be taking on the role of a farmhand. To someone who is experienced in manual labour this role would be unsuitable; however, to someone who is an intellectual, it would be most suitable. This is because the unveiled purpose of an insight role is to achieve equilibrium within the individual by throwing them into a way of life that is unorthodox, uncomfortable and offensive to their default sensibilities in order to confront and reconcile.

It is this unorthodoxy, this uncomfortableness, this offensiveness, that ensures the individual will experience an adversity which is unique to them, producing a learning from that adversity which is also unique to them. This results in the principium individuationis of the agent undertaking the insight role upon completion of it.

Returning to the farmhand example: the intellectual would have their detrimental qualities harshly ‘confronted’ by way of blistered and bloodied hands. If they struggled through the discomfort and pain they would experience a separation of the former and becoming self, assuming something of a superposition between the two. If, at that moment, they decided to cease the insight role, the former self would collapse back into reality. Conversely, if they pressed on for a while longer, their skin would harden, callouses would develop, eventually collapsing both the former and newly dis-covered self into reality to produce insight.

This is one of various examples that can be given if the concept and application of the insight role is allowed to grow beyond its parameters of politics, criminality and religiosity that we ourselves have maintained. Thus, it can be stated that as iconoclasts, it is time we tore down this particular wall and introduced the Aosoth Rites to smash to pieces the limitations of the former.

The road to Hel is paved with good intentions.

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Pain And Pleasure As Strength And Weakness

The avoidance of Pain is a prime motivator. As is the gaining of Pleasure. Yet these twin forces (Pain and Pleasure) are not equal in terms such as Honor. The gaining of pleasure is often associated with a hedonistic and slothful pursuit and outcome.

Both Pain and Pleasure are tools to be used by the Insidious Operator. All the while understanding that these tools are a weapon and a prison.. The Insidious Operator wields that blade to let-blood from himself or to inflict and receive flow from a target. The Insidious Operator can create a Prison for an enemy or himself. The only difference between your home and a prison is which side of the door the lock is on.

The avoidance of Pain is natural to the mundane. Yet to the Slyman, he recognizes that Pain is a necessity in all creation. To quote Herman Hesse’s Demian,”The bird fights it’s way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world.”

Those of us who are Bawrn, are driven by our Insidious Nature to create, build, sustain and destroy systems and worlds. For our pleasure and pain, for and of ourselves, for the pleasure and pain of others, for and of themselves.

Pain for the Slyman is not a weakness, it is a state to be tolerated and adapted to. Much like a man who has built an immunity to a poison or venom. The development of a pain threshold is an asset, not a liability. An example. If you know how to swim and an enemy does not, he may feel comfortable in the shallow end of the pool where he can measure and feel the depth of the water. But you, who are able to swim and do not fear the deep, because you’ve been there before, can drag that enemy into the unknown.

Understanding, repetition and experience build competency. Ignorance, infrequency and inexperience build incompetency. Pain is a Teacher, learn from it, use it, create with it or destroy.

Pleasure and the temptation of, is a great influencer. How many have fallen in pursuit of Pleasure? Pleasure, like Pain, is equal in it’s depth. For example there is great Honor in society by preserving the ignorance on the depths of Pain and Pleasure. And there is a great dishonor in illuminating the same.

But what say we? We who are Insidiously Inclined? Do we drag the mundane into deep waters? Do we preserve and protect those with potential? Are we to be Prophets, Priests and Saviors? Liars, Deceivers and Destroyers?

Pain and Pleasure, inflict, reject or receive. The choice is yours, as long as you achieve.

~ Dread Zod

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Participant or Spectator

Participate (pär-tĭs′ə-pāt) ~ To be active or involved in something; take part.

Spectator (spĕk′tā″tər) ~ One who looks on; an onlooker or eyewitness; a beholder; especially, one of a company present at a spectacle of any kind.

Fanatic (fə-năt′ĭk) ~ A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.

Worship (wûr′shĭp) ~ The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.
The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.
Ardent admiration or love; adoration.

Think of these above definitions as a legend for what is written below. I have always loathed those who participate in and spectate team sports. I never understood why, so I decided to take a closer look.

American Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Ice Hockey, Cricket, Rugby, Concerts and NASCAR. NASCAR has a special place in my heart, though mostly a solo endeavor, the act of repeatedly going in a circle hundreds of times until the first idiot at the end of the final lap wins. It reminds me of lemmings running off of a cliff. Oh if NASCAR had a similar ending, I may become a Fanatic/Fan.

This is a short list of Team Sports (save two) that hundreds of millions of people spectate around the World. In Homes, Bars and Restaurants. I have seen people fixated with total devotion and complete focus upon a screen broadcasting images of people they will most likely never meet. I’ve seen these Spectators scream and jump and embrace one another in orgasmic glee when they witness strangers achieve synthetic glory. Yet, for the Spectator, they do not reflect the idols they Worship. The Spectator, often completely opposite in Appearance, Ability, Word and Deed. The Spectator’s Glory is to consume scraps of the Participant’s Glory Into every orifice and organ and proudly demonstrate their tribal cuckoldry via gross materialism.

The word Fan in this context comes from the word Fanatic. The word Fanatic has been used in the past to describe those who are Active Participants. But today the word Fan is used to describe an infatuated Spectator. To quote Ted Kaczynski in his book Anti-Tech Revolution,

“First, there are those who are appalled at what technology is doing to our society and our planet, but are not motivated to take any action against the technological system because they feel helpless to accomplish anything in that direction. They read an anti-tech book-say, for example,

Jacques Ellul’s Technological Society-and it makes them feel better because they’ve found someone who has eloquently articulated their own anxieties about technology. But the effect soon wears off and their discomfort with the technological world begins to nag them again, so they turn for relief to another anti-tech book-Ivan Illich, Kirkpatrick Sale, Daniel Qyinn, my own Industrial Society and it’s Future, or something else-and the cycle repeats itself In other words, for these people anti-tech literature is merely a kind of therapy: It alleviates their discomfort with technology, but it does not serve them as a call to action.” (Preface pg. 1)

In this example, Mr. Kaczynski demonstrates the disease of the Infatuated Spectator. You can see from this excerpt the first part is a feeling of Helplessness and the seeking of Relief via products, movements, groups, games, religions, systems and ideologies and just about any other form of Escapism can be applied. Which becomes therapeutic to the Helpless Spectator. And make no mistake, Helplessness can and is often learned.

Can Technomancy be Satanic? And can a Technomancer be Satanist? If you look at the 7FW it is not a system for the Spectator. The 7FW is a system that requires Physical Participation. No internet, cables, wires or electricity required. Not only is it not required but it is flat out rejected in order to pass certain Grades.

With the advent of Virtual Worlds and MMORPG, a person could technically create an Avatar and go all the way from Neophyte to Master/Mistress. Staring at a screen, never leaving the comfort of their home, building and creating a false reality. We have already seen this with the creation of Internet Nexions. A conglomeration of people who have and will never meet, taking photographs of themselves next to their altars, Balobians recording Esoteric Chants alone in their bedroom and creating entire bands laying down tracks and sending it to the next musician to add or subtract and send it to the next till the finished product. The question remains, is the former a Spectator or a Participant?

In this writer’s opinion, the word Tradition in Traditional Satanism is paramount. We have to ask ourselves, are we Participants in the Tradition or Spectators of times past? Worshiping names instead of Honoring Deeds? Are we Fans or Fanatics? Is what we are doing a form of therapy or entertainment for an inadequate life? The Answer isn’t on a screen. If you want to take an Island, Burn the Boats. And that takes a Participant not a Spectator.

~Dread Zod

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Becoming Human

Identity, it is what we spend most of the first part of our lives discovering. In certain esoteric schools, we are taught that it is a facade built to interface with the rest of the world. We can choose from a vast library of predefined components, then mix & match them, until we have arrived at the unique “me”. Our perfect little snowflake, the individual personality. Welcome to the “Build-a-Bear” of our human psyche. A literal xerox existence.

We see the same traits manifest throughout all of history. Each occurrence is a slightly less authentic copy of the earlier iterations. Defining ourselves by answering simple multiple choice questions like, “am I a cat person or a dog person?”. We lose ourselves in the madness of mimicry. The very skill that facilitates some of the necessary components of higher learning can act as a trapdoor. Disconnecting from the potential for discovering some type of genuine authenticity. At the same time, losing the sense of completion in our being.

How then do we become whole again? Can we discover the more natural version of “self”? Will we persevere in striking the delicate balance between the primal beastly animal and our divinity of emergent intellectuality? More concisely, can we evolve?

I look to the more traditional times, before the distortion and corruption seeped in, poisoning our collective prana. As a people, we faced the unknown darkness, as it threatened all around us. Emerging from deep within us. These were the days of tempering and trial. The ancient forge of the gods.

There is a sentiment appearing as a catastrophic phenomena. This phenomenon is rampant and spreading like rot does. There is a difficulty in bringing to light the full impact and implications of such atrophy. Atrophy taking a prohibitory form, divorcing the “I’s” within us. Forcing a denial of self, whether be it through law, manufactured morality, or social acceptance. All forms of repression.

In reality, we are biologically an ecosphere. Striking systematic balances on a myriad of delicate vectors. The simplest example of this that I can think of, is the gradual measure of Glycaemia. Where the absence/abundance of glucoses can have substantial consequences. If left unadulterated, one would either adapt or succumb to it. This type of occurrence is multi-tiered, and often simultaneously acting. That is the natural worldly order.

It is in understanding this, that I can experience a kind of empathy. An understanding that nothing is forever, nor has equal chances of survival. It is the nature of this world that we are pitted against the whole. Not just on the external, but most profoundly within ourselves. Most strikingly, we become aware that as time sifts through the hourglass, the distortion magnifies.

Somewhere in our quest towards divinity, we lost touch with our authenticity. What must be undergone to regain this, will require the loss of conceptual superiority. You cannot become the overman when you are barely a man to begin with. Reasoning then distinctly places us with the task of becoming human.

Human, not just in the rediscovery of the lost beast within, but in our socializations. While the rest of the Western civilization is debating on what gender they identify as, we find ourselves questioning what is so corrupt to have brought us to this point.

-TC Downey

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Be Hungry…

China 2004, I was sitting across a table from the Vice President of the multi-million dollar fireworks company I worked for. We had just finished satisfying our most carnal desires and had settled in for brandy and a cigar. Before this journey, it was my belief that this gentleman was not fond of me. Some years prior, I had stated my opinion of errors I had noted with the company to him. He did not seem to take my criticism well at that time. I began questioning him as to why he had asked me to take this trip, in consideration of my harsh critique.

He began rambling about his brother’s (his brother owns the company) sons and that they would surely run the company into the ground when they inherit it. He talked about how his brother had given and continued to give them anything and everything they wanted. At this point, I wondered if this was all the brandy talking, I soon found out it was not. He said, “They just aren’t hungry!” He began telling me of all kinds of underhanded and tactical things that his brother and he had employed to get to where they are today. He then said, “We were hungry, you’ve got to be hungry or your perspective dulls.” His insistence was repeatedly on this ‘hunger’ giving a person an edge. The hunger motivated them, forcing them to be creative and struggle towards over-coming every obstacle they cross.

He then made it known to me, “This is why you were selected; you’re hungry. I knew from the moment you opened your mouth that day; your interests were not in vulgarly complaining about our methods. You were seeking improvement which would benefit YOU, and just as much as it did us. This is what my nephews lack and what is vital for ANYTHING to succeed and grow.” From there our conversations shifted from serious to more of what we would try next, since we could have anything we wanted.

That year, I received over $150 dollars a week in raise and a considerable amount of attention within the company. For the next few years, I spent a lot of time flying back and forth between China, Corporate, and business related conventions. Every year, I received a considerable amount of increase in salary. Then suddenly it stopped, no longer was I being groomed to be at the top of this company. What had changed?

One evening, as I set at home pondering all of this, I realized I was no longer hungry. I looked around at all the toys and gizmos. I saw the 500 an ounce bag of ‘dro’ and the expensive bottle of liquor. All the things, I just had to have to keep up with the Jones’. This was a particularly bad time in my life; my obsession with material gain had manifested a monster of problems, which I could not seem to fix. My son’s mother and I were on the out. It was any day coming she would be leaving and with my son. So many of our arguments were because I would spend my time ‘making money’ and she felt I had lost sight of what was important.

To be fair to myself, I honestly sought to better the lives of our family. I had however become too comfortable. Understand that I am not placing this as the sole reason for the complexities of problems I was facing, but it WAS a dominant Influence of them. Tsun Tzu advocated that an animal (or man) backed into a corner, would fight fiercely for his life and surmount unthinkable feats. I had forgotten this. So much of my time spent investing in ventures, which I only half-heartedly wished to succeed, that I was blind to the things, which surely make men great.

This is why I choose a minimalist lifestyle. I keep only the things, which matter the most to me and indulge only in the things, which I see a more developed gain. I threw away or gave away everything which I had no need for in my life. In my eyes, they were mere symbols of laziness and comfort, lulling me back into a sediment condition.

When asked, “Why people choose to live a life of wanting for nothing”….

I answer, “”When the only thing you are, are the social status symbols you’ve gathered, it speaks volumes in itself about how empty and useless you’ve become.” I will further this by saying “In a world full of gluttonous sheep, too busy chasing the next high, feeling, fad, and Ithing (IE.. IPhone) to realize they are enslaved by it. I am YOUR Adversary!”

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I, Devil

Even if man were nothing but a piano key, even if this were proved to him by natural science and mathematics, even then he would not become reasonable, but would purposely do something perverse out of sheer ingratitude, simply to have his own way…then, after all, perhaps only by his curse will he attain his object, that is, really convince himself that he is a man and not a piano key! If you say that all this, too, can be calculated and tabulated…then man would purposely go mad in order to be rid of reason and have his own way.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Today, I am going to disappoint you. This entry will let you down, and won’t be what you think it is to be. I have no intention of defining or revealing some aspect of the history of Satan, Lucifer, or “The Devil”. If you’d like to read something extremely thoughtful and well written to that end; Please check out Chloe 352’s article in Nexion Zine 7.1 titled “Notes on Satanism“. My aim is set to convey something of a different species , and to that I am certain to fail. None the less, I shall endure.

First I think it is important to nutshell my worldview. That my fellow traveler, will be no easy task. I probably, in my life time, could never write enough to paint the entire picture for you. Even if I spent 20 hours a day for the rest of my life. So I am going to try to sum it up in a few concepts. The first an allegory. The second is three quotes. The third a transgression. So let’s begin shall we?

When I first came across the thought experiment called “Schrodinger’s Cat”, I immediately understood the concept being related. The short of it; a cat sealed in box with poison. To observer, until the box is opened there is no way to determine if the cat is alive or dead. Therefore it remains in a superposition; that is both alive and dead. blah, blah, blah; not what I’m after. This is just where my thought experiment started. See it was irking me that the cat was a continuous observer and therefore the experiment was flawed.

The Allegory

I started thinking about my experience, if I was the cat. I realized as the cat, I was first intrigued. What cat doesn’t like a box? After the lid closed, I might be a little frightened. I would probably go looking for a way out, and in the process discover the poison. I am certain my heightened and attuned sense of smell would, I hope, clue me into the fact that I didn’t want to be in the box with this stuff. Then panic would set in, after all, it is just what nature does. After an undefined period of time, I would start to take for granted that this noxiousness was contained. Leaving me unaffected by it. Should enough time pass, I may even have convinced myself that the poison was not meant for me. After all, I am a good cat.

As my stay grows longer, so does my boredom. Fortunately this box is many sided and walled with mirrors on every side. In every direction, I can see many different cats. Each reacts as I act. Most of them, I think of as friends. Not the one directly in front of me. He keeps staring at me. To me this is a sign of aggression. We all spend our days playing and talking. Lately the conversations have become a bit more “heady”. We began to discuss how we got here and what we think will eventually happen. One of my friends on the right side, he is concerned about the poison. It is his opinion, that eventually it will open and kill us all. A few on the left side think, he is just being dramatic, and he should just stick to the evidence and what we know from experience. They argue an awful lot and sometimes that just stresses me out. I like to hold conversations with one of the cats above me. He is always making some profound statement with lofty ideals. He has me convinced that the cat in front of me isn’t actually being aggressive toward me, but rather is simply just as unsure of me, as I am of him. This might be true, because he does share a lot of my same features. Maybe I’ll give him a chance.

One day, I got curious about something puzzling. I decided to ask the cat above me about it. Being he is above me, he will know the answer. So I asked him, “What is out there, beyond what I can see?”. “Surely, since you are above me you can see further”. “Oh my!” he replied and grew silent for a very long time afterwards. Finally he said “I cannot honestly answer that question, but maybe if we can figure out what is going on inside what we can see; we will know more about the beyond”. Agreeing with him, I decided to get every cat here on the same page. The more the merrier right? Instead of two on a quest to understand the beyond, we will have the thinking power of many. After that every cat eventually joined our quest for this knowledge. Some of our discoveries seemed earth moving and awe-inspiring. Yet none seemed to answer the question of the beyond. Finally what was always meant to be happened, the poison released.

Yes, this is the kind of thing that regularly plays out in my head. No, you shouldn’t be concerned for me either. You see there are (like the mirrors) many different aspects of this that really do sum up my world view. We are similar to the cat inside a box. Driven by fear and insecurity. Without out a real knowledge of what’s beyond our reasoning of anything immeasurable or observable. Distorted. Isolated. Removed from the true nature of our world, it’s cosmos, and a healthy perspective on exactly how ignorant we really are on a universal level. As a society, we know 2 things with all certainty; we live (cat) and we die (poison). Only do we really even know that? What if this is merely some instance of whatever animates (cosmic life) finding itself in a super-position? What if it is then diverging as it is being observed not simply in one instance. but both simultaneously (mirrors again)? The question of what is observing come into play. I think maybe its reality itself, but I digress. We simply just don’t know and anyone who says they do is just full of shit. No matter the level of science involved, at this point: it is still just mental masturbation.

Any working “universal” theory is a bust. No dice. What about on a cosmic level? Here we have some grasp of different principles and ‘laws’. There is still an air of primitiveness to it, in my assessment. We have 6 senses in which we can exact and analyze any type of ‘knowing’. Our proximity and access seem to be the biggest obstacles in real advancement. Until such a time as we can move closer to proper examination; I just don’t see us moving beyond that, except by painstaking fractal to fractal. Cosmic Kindergarteners.

The Three Quotes

“The world as we find it is undeniably adversarial. Or, in other words, undeniably Satanic.”

-Jason King – Post Modern Satanism

“When a mind is enlightened, it casts shadows onto the subconscious. Truly the more enlightened the mind, the darker the shadows we find.”

-T.C. Downey – I, Devil (right here)

I won’t devote a great deal of time regurgitating King’s philosophical workings. I recognize his salient gleaning of this characteristic of our world in the above quote from Post Modern Satanism. Seemingly there is a constant competition for resource and survival. There are simple examples like several closely rooted plants which are competing for nutrient, pollination, soil, sunlight, and water. This is further rigorously tested by things like insect infestations, climatic conditions, fires, mold, moss, people, and whatever other things I’m forgetting to list. There are so many phenomenal examples present in our worldscape; you couldn’t possibly list them all and remain sane. King loved to use the “lion and the gazelle”, I think because it could be over simplified and still hold weight as ‘the‘ example. It would seem the more we look at the compounded environmental difficulties faced by any organism on this planet; the more that seem to factor in. There can be no doubt that nature is in fact against itself. Undeniable? You bet. Satanic?

In that sense, Satan is the king of this world! This easily becomes a realization, and then immediately is followed by doubt. Because it is hard to face up to reality. The notion that literally everything is out to get us, comes with denial, paranoia, and a myriad psychological mechanisms. Quickly one forgets that the odds are stacked against us, and those things which remain in existence today; do so in defiance of the natural worldly order. Kind of inspiring to me. A nice little balancer to a rather nihilistic overture. Nature has its system of balances. To this affect, it seems necessary for a heavily destructive tendency to aid in the preservation of the whole. This comes across as shear chaos at first glance; observable however is the emergent order from within.

Clearly we have fooled ourselves into believing that our ‘intellect’ somehow sets us apart from the natural worldly order. These days people must feel alien to this worldly order. How can they not? We have rampant menticide and an inflated sense of self-entitlement that is contrasted with restrictive pushes for passivity and compliance; let us just say it is obvious world war 3 is going to be a global killer. How can it not be? Free-range capitalism has saturated every aspect of life with corruption and distortion. I used to be one of those guys who thinks “democracy = freedom”. Now that I am older, I recognize that that statement couldn’t be farther from the truth.

All democracy does is allow the despicable and unworthy to manipulate and further distort the masses. While we are busy playing our oversized Monopoly TM game, it is obvious we are missing more critical events on a global scale. We fail to look at them in any honest or objective manner. For those that might actually be honest and objective; we are forced to hold a heavy skepticism, for they could be doing so with financially tinted lens. Anyone arguing the merits of any particular ‘sciences’ had better be the far most expert in their field, or sit the fuck down. I don’t care where you are getting your information from, these facts remain. People lie. All the time. Governments lie. No surprise there. Spin is an ancient craft that has been honed and perfected since its inception. The Sheeple (mundanes) love them for it.

Recently the point was made to me that what society is lacking is any true sense of patriotism. To that I had to agree, but I posited that the body of governments should take more pride in their people. You see any relationship, should it be harmonious, is a two way street. Give AND take.

“This is not a matter of compromises or adaptations. The power of a new Middle Ages is needed. A change, interior as well as exterior, of barbaric purity is required. Philosophy, “culture”, everyday politics: no more of all that. It is not a matter of shifting to the other side of this bed of agony. It is a matter of finally waking up, and standing on one’s feet.”

-Julius Evola

The Transgression

News Flash! You are not simply entitled to be a live. This natural worldly order does NOT owe a thing to you. In fact, most of you should be put to death. If for no other reason, because you arrogantly assume the entitlement. To further complicate the issue, not only do you think you are entitled, but you are of the opinion that your entitlement is just; whereas another’s is ludicrous. From one side of your face you cry about the injustices of society, and from the other you are equally as dishonourable and contriving. Eager to step over the wake of carnage to receive your metaphorical kudos. Where have all the heroics gone? Have we lost the drive to push ourselves to the highest versions of self? Why has the mantra of “For king and country” been replaced with the motto “live to fight another day”? Do you see it? Can you comprehend? There is glory in dying for ‘higher’ principles, and a deep felt appreciation from those for which you fight. Dedication and loyalty are quickly slipping into the hallowed crypts of antiquity. Where is your pride in heritage and tradition? What is it in a highschool or college diploma? A mediocre job, where most of your focus is making money or worse a name for somebody else?

Mankind is so emancipated from the natural worldly order, and this makes it seem inevitable that we will face extinction. How could we not? We cannot possibly understand the value of life, if we are not willing to die for it. There is no way to grasp the preciousness of enlightenment, if we cannot embrace the darkness behind it. With that for each egalitarian neutering that socially arises; nature will send a brutal killer to cleanse its palette. So for this, I truly am sorry to disappoint you. None the less, I shall endure!

-Beast Xeno (edited on 08/09/21 to improve conceptualization and readability)

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The Sinister Certainties

Truth is sometimes very much like a barbed wire. There are those that can only handle it in a delicate manner. Those that don’t want anything to do with it. There are some that misjudge it’s strength and cannot appreciate it’s tendency towards eliciting pain. More so, truth, at least objective truth; is a very sinister force.

The truth is fickle and often elusive. In the same way, it is blinding and often ignored. The kind of truth I speak of is not the subjective species we’ve come to embrace. Entire religions have been built on the misapprehension of subjective truths as objective truths.

Buddhism is one such religion. To demonstrate such is as simple as “samsara”.  Even if we accept the concept of cylindric life, we are still left with the subjective nature of that as truth. What I mean is, the statement of Life as a cycle of death and rebirth is not verifiable in an empirical sense. Though we can witness things being born and things dying, there is nothing empirical to create a connection between the two.

However there is a certainty in that statement. A very sinister certainty. Everything dies and if it has life it eventually meets its death. That can be verified empirically. To that understanding, I present you with the first of the Druwydry’s Sinister Certainties.

You see certainty is not held abstractly and requires that you draw from practical experience. Praxis if you will. Certainty comes from repeatedly experiencing the same result and being able to recognize that you will in fact continue to do so. It is not an abstract concept, instead it is a glaring practical recognization.

Another of Druwydry’s Sinister Certainties is that Everyone is slave to something. That is that everyone bends to serve something.  It is by our attachments that we come to this place of servitude. Even the Buddhist monk holds attachment. Just the attachment to the idea of non-attachment should illustrate sufficiently. I know it probably looks like I’m picking on Buddhists, however that’s just not the case. One of my favorite thinkers is in fact one.

The Insidious Way brings an understanding that these attachments are better defined as influences. When correctly observed in this way, there is a recognization that you cannot be free from influence. All you can really do is choose what, how much, or simply how; you are influenced. Power is gained through learning to traffic in influence. Which brings me to another Sinister Certainty. Influence is the purest currency.

Just as you would mind your acquiring of, investing of, saving of, and spending of money; you must also mind influence in this manner. Here we come to a place where we understand that these Sinister Certainties that I have been talking about are primal influences. I choose the term primal over meta because they speak deeper than the rational mind. They speak to the very core of our being.

These statements of ominous foreshadowing are in fact terrifying to most. They boast of how easily something horrifying can unfold in front of you. You cannot hold influence over everything, but anything can hold influence over you. Which brings me to the last of the Sinister Certainties I wish to talk about tonight; Cosmically we are insignificant.

A comet does not care if you have accepted Jesus in your heart. A supernova is not concerned with your karma. For that matter, the planet Earth does not care if you can breathe.

These are not finite understandings. They are not some rigid system of supposed enlightenment. Quite the opposite, they represent the bleakness and the void. A literal Endarkenment. A disillusioning of falsities such as hope and Nirvana. I would ask my readers that have absorbed what I am putting forward to comment some other possible Sinister Certainties. This is to be done for the purpose of learning your own truths.


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