Il Disprezzo Della Bella Morte: #13012025V2XPT

The Practice of Dying

The end. Everything has an end. There is nothing left to do or say. No where to go. The end should have meaning, but does it? Is it just the conclusion of what was preceded by it?

Death is the end of life, defined simply. Does this mean it is a part of life? When all of the boxes are checked off of a list, will we find the checking off of those boxes is a feature of the list? It is not, the list is already completed. Just as making a list is a stage (pre) and finishing a list is also a stage (post). N-Geshtug [1] rightly situates death outside of the system.

We should perceive death as a mere illusion, an insignificant end to our causal journey. The true significance lies in how we seize the opportunities offered by this life. Unbound by the fear of death, we defy it, as we defy our current limitations and the mundane restrictions of society through Architectural Evil [2]. We aspire to transcend these confines and embrace a more profound, numinous existence.

It is the way that we go about checking off the list, which holds the meaning. Not just the deed, but the spirit within it. The pursuit of an Epicurian ethos only strives on a mundane level. The practice of ataraxia is at best a waste of vitality. An abandonment of the sensatory and the natural order.

The Children of Mars can never know tranquility or equanimity, but for breaking moments. It is not the way of Gaia. It is a psuedo-apathy and conjuring of delusional ascetic practice perpetrated by ‘holy’ or ‘learned’ men. Snake oil salesmen peddling more psuedo-apathy, and more wasted vitality.

The Denial of Death

Nythra is coming to all. With it, the completion of all attainable worldly wisdom. Beyond is the liberation of non-knowing, the unawaking of nothingness, and genuine dark apathy. Beyond lies the Great Absence. Horrifyingly foreign, an alien presence to the mortal essence.

Within the Bawrn, there lurks a dark apathy to it. Unlike the cowardly magian and puritan impulse of dwelling in terror. The utility of coping mechanisms at some levels of the psyche can pacify the stark horror, but somewhere deep within there’s a monster awaiting. An inescapable reality that the end is always nigh. Those squanderers of esse are nakedly wretched and undeserving of death.

Death remains indifferent to them. Reaping what is sown without prejudice of ripe or rot. The permeation of the odorous Great Demon is afoul with the wishcaster’s cries. The season is over. The gate forever sealed.

The Japanese have a proverb: “Hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi”, it means the best blossom is the cherry blossom, the best man is the warrior. The warrior like the cherry blossom falls in it’s most beautiful moment. Unlike the current Western culture, this encapsulates a right understanding of life and death.

“The moment the individual succeeds in living as a hero, even if it is the final moment of his earthly life, weighs infinitely more on the scale of values than a protracted existence spent consuming monotonously among the trivialities of cities.” Julius Evola – Metaphysics of War

Petals On The Wind : A Fate Worse Than Death

Death is the ultimate freedom. According to Plato death is not the worst that can happen to men. There can be no more suffering and strife at it’s conclusion. Which makes the wishing of death upon your enemy wasted energy. The honour of dying should be reserved for the worthy.

Retribution demands a pot in which to stew. A suffering tenfold, the equal measure. Trading an eye for an eye, leaves one eye for the scoundrelly to take their next aim. Stab out both eyes, the ears, and sever the fingers. Make it so harsh of an example, that none should move against you without the willingness to grant you a beautiful death.

A bountiful offering to the Ukade [3].

Meager men cannot approach the Great Unknowing or comprehend the unraveling of the mortal coil. Such hubris is a life spent in squander and laziness. Impotent and wretchedly useless, never taking stakes beyond the “sure thing”. Paralyzed by the thought of experiencing the full weight of their own insignificance.

Ukade will consume all in a vortex   of self-made designs. The true practice of dying, therefore, lies not in passive acceptance but in active engagement. It is about living with such intensity, such purpose, that death itself becomes an anticlimax. It is about leaving a mark on the world, a legacy that will outlast one’s own mortal coil. It is about defying the limitations of existence, pushing the boundaries of human potential, and ultimately, transcending the very concept of death itself.

This is not about achieving some ethereal state of nirvana or seeking oblivion. It is about embracing the chaos, the uncertainty, the very essence of existence itself. It is about living with a fierce, uncompromising spirit, a spirit that acknowledges the inevitability of death but refuses to be defined by it. The end may be inevitable, but the journey towards it can be extraordinary. It is in this journey, in the relentless pursuit of excellence, in the constant striving for something greater than oneself, that true meaning resides.


[1] N-Geshtug – an in-born trait (in some) that allows the correct perceiving of the acausal and the physis of beings. Also said to attract acausal beings.

[2] Architectural Evil – the planning and plotting of Grand Deceits, delicious insidious deceptions played out over days, months, years, lifetimes or Aeons. (qv. Sahrut part II)

[3] Ukade – The “Anti-god” of the khult, considered the precipice of acausal consciousness and the evolutionary goal of the Khultist. Depicted as a large man-eating centipede that disguises itself as the rings of Saturn until revealed.

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The Druwyd’s Odyssey: An Alchemical Journey of 9 Worlds Outlined

The Nine Worlds

The Preface

The following outline is provided as a barebones framework for understanding Druwydry. It takes the form of a Great Oak, and as such is seeded in the fertile soil of the Prima Materia. In keeping true to the nature of the Great Oaks, it will continue to grow with each cycle. As the seasons change, thus the character of the Great Oak will reflect the season. Sometimes barren, other times bearing fruit. The occasional new growth should be anticipated.

The Grand Tapestry of Existence

Eternity (Æthyr): The primordial source and the undifferentiated Absolute (Great Void).

Great Cosmos: Encompasses all the worlds within the Emanation.

The Druwyd: An individual seeking self-knowledge and integration, navigating the vastness of the Great Cosmos and yearning for the unity of Eternity.

The Forge: Represents the various challenges and experiences encountered on the path of transformation. These challenges correspond to different worlds within the Emanation:

  • WORLD 1 (The 9 Dimensional Existence): The first level of differentiation from Eternity.
  • WORLD 3 (The 8 Dimensional Existence): All dimensions within the Great Cosmos (All that is beyond the Great Canopy.
  • WORLD 6 (The Great Understory): The Macrocosm or “Milky Way”, our starry galaxy.
  • WORLD 12 (The Solar System): The Seeds of the Tree of Wyrd.
  • WORLD 24 (Earth): The Natural Worldly Order.
  • WORLD 48 (Man): The human experience.
  • WORLD 96 (The Root): The Microcosm, The internal world of Luna and the Dark Pool.

The Prima Materia (First Matter)

WORLD 48: Represents the starting point, the untransformed human condition. It embodies the three core forces:

Insidious (Mercury): The mercurial principle.

Heretical (Sulphur): The divine spark within.

Terrestrial (Salt): The grounding force.

The Druwydry (The Great Work):

The stages of the Druwydry remain the same, representing the Druwyd’s inner journey. However, the Druwyd strives for a state of being that resonates with the interconnectedness of the Cosmos, the divine spark within, and the ultimate unity.

The Druwyd’s Dwelling Places:

  • WORLD 48 (Man): The Druwyd grapples with emotions, social interactions, and their shadow aspects.
  • WORLD 96 (Microcosm): The Druwyd explores the fundamental building blocks of existence and the Bio-survival Circuit.

The Cosmic Landscape

  • WORLD 6 (The Great Understory): Governed by the Laws of the Solar System and Great Cosmos. The Druwyd encounters the Cosmic Element (represented by Venus) and the influence of Xeno (Life in the Galaxy). The vastness ignites a sense of wonder and confronts the Druwyd with the Six Forces governing the Macrocosm. They might embody the Necromancer (Undertaking), undertaking the great work of transformation within the galactic arena.
  • WORLD 12 (The Solar System): Governed by the Laws of Earth and Macrocosm. The Druwyd encounters the Air Element and the influence of Sol (Life in the Solar System). This world represents the Celestial Existence, aligning with the Symbolic Circuit (The Rational Mind). The Druwyd might explore the Lux (Eagle), Dance Oracle, Antares (Orange-Gold), representing a deeper level of transformation within this world. These are the Seeds of Wyrd.

The Earthly Realm

WORLD 24 (Earth): Governed by the Laws of Man and the Solar System. The Druwyd encounters the Water Element and the influence of Eden (Life on Earth). This world represents Organic Life, with the Twenty-Four Forces shaping existence. The Druwyd might embody the Anarchist (Mayhem), highlighting the potential for destructive impulses. The Elixir of Ecological Balance helps navigate these challenges.

The Human Experience

WORLD 48 (Man): Governed by the Laws of Microcosm and Earth. The Druwyd encounters the Fire Element and the influence of Adam (One Base, Three Values + 1). This world represents the human experience, a 4-dimensional reality. It aligns with the Emotional-Territorial Circuit (Freud’s Ego), the foundation of emotions, social interactions, and self-preservation. The Assassin (Havok) archetype embodies a distorted expression of this circuit. The Elixir of Emotional Harmony helps cultivate a balanced expression.

The Microcosmic Roots

WORLD 96 (The Roots): Governed by the Laws of Man. It is here that we can have the most (influence) effect. The Druwyd encounters the Earth Element and the influence of Polar + 1 (Cause, Action, Effect). This world represents the fundamental building blocks of existence, a 3-dimensional reality. It aligns with the Bio-survival Circuit. Represented by Luna and the Dark Pool from which the roots drink.

The Orientation of the Map

There are two paths to achieving what has been deemed the “philosopher’s stone”, what are they? Where does this Odyssey lead? What can we learn from Arcturus?

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E264B: Guest Article – John Davis

The term ‘extraterrestrial’ has been used to refer most frequently to the potential existence of a species that is not carbon-based, not subject to the laws of causal time and space, and often beyond our accustomed perception. Unfortunately, such a term has become suppositionally equated with the fantastical notion of the ‘Little Green Man’, owed to the regurgitation of stereotypes perpetuated by the media-industrial-complex.

In recent years a change in the framework of extraterrestrial dialectics has seen governments and their agencies approve the change from Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), even committing departments and teams to investigate such things (NASA, 2022). Yet, what does this tell us?

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The Reflected Revealed – One Ritual of Shamanic and Necromantic Channeling

Find a location where the bones of an animal have been buried and arrange several medium-sized stones in a henge to resemble the symbol of the A:O. Once night has fallen, place two candles on the left and right side of the A:O symbol, using lanterns to protect the candles from the wind if necessary.

Beginning at the top of the symbol, walk widdershins around the stones while using the shaker, ensuring the rhythm of the shaking is akin to a heartbeat. One rotation translates to one reverse revolution of the Earth around the Sun, so walk around the stones until the number of revolutions reaches the year in which the animal perished. If you do not possess that knowledge, cease when it feels right, ending where you began.

Walk through the centre of the stones, turn around and kneel in front of the bottom of the A:O symbol. Focus on the area where the bones are situated and visualise the essence outline of the animal rising from its resting place, its luminescent colour corresponding to the emotion it felt at the moment of its passing. Allow yourself to become a nexion for the spirit of the animal: roar, scream, yelp, whimper. Be honest about what you feel from the animal and channel it into wondrous expression, permitting it to change you, shift you, into the animal.

Before long, exhaustion will take root. You will collapse to the floor and be presented with the option to close your eyes and engage the visions that come, or enjoy the chthonic emptiness of the night sky above.

Addendum: Crafting the Shaker

For the construction of the shaker the following ingredients and equipment are required: 1 fabric pouch, 2 small glass vials (with corks), 3 small pieces of quartz, seeds, blood-infused salt or soil and several tiny stones.

Begin by filling the pouch with some salt. Add the tiny stones to the glass vials, fill them a quarter of the way, seal them, and then add them – plus the rest of the ingredients – to the pouch. Make sure the contents of the pouch have enough room to clash, lest an underwhelming sound be generated upon shaking.

Penultimately, fasten several bone fragments to a length of string and tie it around the pouch about an inch below the top, proceeding to seal the top of the pouch with hot wax. Lastly, attach the sigil or symbol relevant to the working(s) that the shaker will be used for by drawing the sigil/symbol on a small piece of parchment and sealing it against the pouch with hot wax.

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The Currents of Wyrd

Wyrd is an odd word, it looks like “word” and sounds like “weird”. Yet… Wyrd is the underlying fabric of the Nine Worlds and one of the central concepts of Druwydry. The rudimentary definition is something like “the course of events” or ” The Cosmic Fates”. A more intuitive understanding might be “what is to come”. In Druwydry, Wyrd represents the powerful currents of influence that control how events unfold in linear time. It is possible to displace the flow of Wyrd that is revealed through a specific alignment of The Mastery and Deed.

A Self-Centric Eye (the Master I)

Every Western institution over the past 100 years has been designed to manufacture “sleepers” that obey. This happens because the Magians and Puritans idealize putting others above ourselves. This is a monumental err. Literally putting the cart before the horse and then putting full cup blinkers on it. Selflessness benefits none in the long term and only benefits opportunistically in the short term.

Deep down, everyone knows this is true. Self-centrism is extremely frowned upon, yet everyone practices it and dresses it up in the disguise of selflessness. By becoming self-centric, you begin to pay attention and become sensitive to what impacts you directly. Developing a deeper understanding of what influences you and in what way. Without that understanding you are a vessel adrift without anchor or sail undoubtedly heading towards the rapids and rocks. Torn and shredded pieces are destined to settle into the river bed, somewhere downstream.

A correction is in order. It is necessary to embrace self as priority and in this begin the seeding of essence. What grows from the seeds? An authentic understanding of who you are, where you are, what you like, and what motivates you. This is the fundamental basis of self-remembering. Creating awareness simultaneously of what is known and the knower. Awareness of the deed and the doer.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

We are taught the results of being self-centric is devastating and destructive. Somehow it is corrosive to our collective relationships. Self-centrism is falsely construed as selfishness. In accordance, it is thought that it creates no contribution to the “greater society at large”. Yet a survey of the landscape tells a different story.

The wretched who care only about themselves seem to live forever. The ruthless businessman gets richer and more powerful. The self-obsessed athlete becomes the best in his game. The politician rises in his influence and reach. In a very real sense Satan is King of this World. The nature of this world is adversarial and the road to hell is always paved with good intentions

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride. All said to be deadly Sins. However in a controlled and deliberate use, we are led to the path of freedom and prosperity. Lust leads to the fulfillment of sexual needs. Gluttony brings forth a fullness of living. Envy creates motivation and drive to improve your station. Pride brings a focus to constantly refine and develop the self. Greed to financial fulfillment. Wrath to justice. Sloth to emancipation from fruitless labor.

Perilously Traverse the Currents of Wyrd

We live in a dangerous world. Everything is surely trying to kill us, even Destiny herself. Nythra will not be denied. Yet under the Moonlight, there’s a winding staircase that leads to the blue room of Mars. It is here in The Dark Pools that we can divine the Currents of Wyrd. Given we have the foresight, that is the occult abilities to; chart our course along the ebbs and flows of the Great River as it’s rushing.

We can apprehend Cosmic Emanation, as we see the spring forming the Dark Pool. It begins to stream outwardly. The stream eventually feeding into the Great River. I close this entry with a quote from Magister Hagur. May your Travels be by your revealed Wyrd.

“Shugara, highly developed intellectually and greatly motivated achieves objectivity wherever he is found, bringing about the deep sinister intent. The Dark God is influenced by the planets Moon and Mars, responding to their attraction, ever ready to transmit its energies to all those contemplating the Tree of Wyrd as a way of sinister living, and this means:

(1) Endeavouring to arrive at an absolute sinister motive.

(2) The ability to enter in the silence of the chaotic mind to realise the sinister way.

(3) Remembering at all time the strict self-disciplined life, which
does not mean that life is undone of sensual perception, on the contrary it does stir up a well-balanced dark life.

(4) Using self-control facing the unknown.

(5) Not to scatter innate sinister forces vainly, but focus them to a particular sinister goal. “ – Hagur

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Genesys of the Darkhorse

In the beginning, man and woman were free to be one with nature. They endured and figured out how to survive its laws, learning through trial, error, and from other animals. As they evolved they came together as human packs to increase their probability of survival, forming tribes and small communities. Then the tribes increased in size, expanding beyond their hunting grounds and into the greater kingdom of nature. The survival rate and territory of the other animals started to decline with the passing of time as humanity established itself as the apex predator. With nothing aside from natural disasters and disease to challenge man & woman’s dominion they continued to expand exponentially, taking the lion’s share of resources and living-space.

As time marched on the human race imagined itself among the stars and heavens, beginning to see itself as a separate entity of the animal kingdom. Our societies & ways of life changed to reflect our delusion, and we were reincarnated as an aberration of nature with excessive consciousness. The conceptualisation of our experiences grew more artificial and our problem-solving became more cerebral. We solved anatomical puzzles, split the atom, and reached the stars, only to realise that existence was more complex and mechanical than we initially thought, culminating in the atrophy of our hunter-gatherer genetics and the psychosis of our 21st century existence.

The human animal is now an estranged creature ensnared by a manic hysteria of its own making. Due to the grooming and pressures of society we subconsciously agreed upon rules to live by which exist in contrast to our nature. As our familial bonds have subsided for various reasons we no longer have the environment which encouraged this nurtured learning, leaving a void in our understanding of the world and each other. No longer can we as a species default to the animalistic nature which helped our evolution to this point, leaving an altogether confused animal locked in an empty room with full awareness of the futility of its own existence.

The Darkhorse kicks…

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Eminent Mind – Developing the “Master I” Through Meditations

I have owed my readers this article for a very long time now. I have assumed that those that practice Druwydry also have meditative practices. As a standalone practice, meditation is an effective tool for gaining further control of your being. Its beneficial properties occur both immediately and gradually. Though I encourage all forms of meditation, there are specific types that I find more suited to our aims.

For the purposes of this text, I will focus on 4 forms of meditation. Creative, Guided, Moving and Transformative. The first three are relatively widely practiced meditations, and the fourth is, in my eyes, an experimental form. It is important to understand that each of these will create and strengthen both the core (common) and specific benefits and should be ritually performed on a daily basis.

Before we can further explore the different forms of meditations, we must first define meditation. Meditation is a mental exercise involving awareness, clarity, control, and focus. Mental, meaning mind or consciousness.

Druwydry views consciousness as a myriad of cognitive subprocesses that are overlapping and yet interconnected-like working in unison. These individual subprocesses are referred to as “small I’s”. For the magians and sleepers, these individual subprocesses occur as impulses and are acted upon in an unimpeded fashion almost entirely subconsciously.

The designation “small I” uses “I” as shorthand, both for the nominative singular pronoun with which we refer to ourselves, and it also refers to an influencer. More specifically an internal influencer (impulse). That little voice that pipes up to let us know to fill one of our basic needs, such as homeostasis; is an internal influencer, and therefore a “small I”.

Other examples of impulses are behaviors, emotions, and physical reactions. Many of which we aren’t even aware of as we are acting upon them. These influencers can be self catalyzed. However, a great many of them are stimulated by what Druwydry refers to as “Master I’s”. “Master I” is shorthand for an external influencer. There are far too many of these to attempt to provide a categorical breakdown for the sake of brevity. This is a subject that I will explore in future writings.

One of the aims of Druwydry, is to provide a path to strengthening essence and Influence. Essence is the trifold enigmatic composite being that is distinctly referred to as self. Which exists as a perpetual experience of consciousness, physicality, and the more mysterious energy that animates the other two thirds. A strong essence is capable of reigning in the impulses, and exerting decisive control over all influencers. Whether they are internal or external holds little to no consequence.

Influence in this context, is the ability to assert our will upon the external and internal planes. Through these four types of meditations, we enter the first of the three sacred triangles; The Mastery. The Mastery aims to subjugate our many “small I’s”, and consciously select which of the multitude of “Master I’s”; we resist or succumb to and at what intensity.

The Four Meditations

Most have a specific image in their mind whenever the word comes up. An image of some holy man or monk sitting with their legs crossed and palms turned upwards. They are sitting perfectly still, in perfect silence, and eyes closed. For some this is an effective means of meditation, but for our work there’s more to do than simply calibrate the machine.

I would like to establish a base meditation. This is a Guided Meditation set. The following are two forms that have been designed by Theo Hiraeth with Druwydry in mind. Léargas creates a foundation in meditation, energy work, visualization, and nature
connection of the spiritual practices for Druwydry.

Léargas by Theo Hiraeth

Form I: Earth (day)

Find a tranquil woodland area and remove your upper attire. Position your back flat against the ground and outstretch your arms, proceeding to dig your fingers into the soil and keep them in place.

Close your eyes and visualise your mind’s eye breathing out as you inhale; breathing in as you exhale. Tune into the sounds around you, try to listen for the groaning of the trees, then visualise their roots growing and spreading beneath you.

Visualise the soil slowly transmuting into a black liquid, as it pulls you downwards into the earth, into the subterranean valley inhabited by luminescent Mycelium. Take a moment to accept the numinous reality of your situation, the sheer chthonic beauty and intrinsic symphony of it all. Listen for the sound of distant flowing water; listen as it grows louder and louder, and louder still, until you witness it submerge everything in the chthonic valley, and finally, yourself.

Allow the water to push you upwards to the surface whence you came, feel yourself being pushed through the soil, born into the world again.

Open your eyes and gaze at the canopies of the trees, until you are ready to return to your feet, and to yourself.

Form II: Water (night)

Locate a body of clean, natural water. Wade into it with your arms slightly outstretched beside you and your fingers parted. Feel the pull of the water as it slips through your fingers. Splash water onto your face, then run your fingers over your head.

Submerge yourself deeper in the water, thereby allowing the water to reach the chest, then the neck, then the lower half of the face, ensuring that breathing through the nose is still possible.

Cease all movement and close your eyes, then perform the reverse breathing technique (Form I: Earth, paragraph

Visualise the soil on the banks of the water turning to sludge and filtering into the water: bare witness as it changes the colour of the water, subjecting it to a certain alchemical process, transforming it into the Dark Pool wherein sinister knowledge is sought.

Remain submerged until it feels like the ‘right time’ to leave the water and return to yourself, changed.

The Provocation of Psyche

Léargas (Irish Gaelic) translates as an awakening; realisation, of the nature of things and is a fitting name for a Guided Meditation practice. Guided meditations function as a doorway to awareness, connection, and reflection. Where the Guided Form leaves off the Transformative Form picks up. There are both subtle and distinct differences between the two meditative forms. Usually the Guided Form is focused on a sort of recalibration of the machine. The Transformative Form aims to create a change within the “operating system”.

I have experimented quite a bit in this arena. From sonic (auditory) attempts to alter the state of mind and disposition, to designing a mediation that’s intention is to create a “berserker” state to be summoned and desisted at will. No matter the outcome of these experiments. There has been a net positive benefit to them. It is my belief that the Slyman should work to cultivate these types of occult abilities.

In this way the provocation of the psyche is necessitated to ultimately develop a certain type of “weaponry”. By learning about transformations and then attempting to transform any given component of self, we develop a skill set which will become essential in our workings. This is one form of an alchemical season and a crucial part of developing the Dark Empath.

Theo Hiraeth designed a wonderful transformative meditation, to which I will link here. I think what I like most about this particular working, is that in a very real way, he connects you to the elementals in a very primal way. Giving the exercise several forms.

Alignments of Being

Have you ever been working on something and zeroed your attention to whatever it is you’re working on? Everything flows so smoothly and it all seems to fall into its place at just the right time. You might even think to yourself, “I’m really good at this“. For a brief time, it is as if, this is what you were always meant to do. What you have experienced, I call a Creative Form of meditation.

If practiced and employed often, we begin to notice what will seem to be supra-human abilities. What’s more fascinating than that is, it will manifest in ways that don’t seem connected at all. Though that sounds fantastical, what I mean is in a very practical sense. Learn to reach this state within the art of communication/manipulation and witness your power.

Those that we see who seem to possess supra-human abilities are all accessing this state. There is much to observe about the creative state of being. This subject has been robustly flushed out by greater minds than my own. To that end, I will leave it where it lies.

What I might add to this, is that what is transpiring is an alignment of Will and Deed. When mind-body-lifeforce align, we experience a hyper state. This is in itself a connection to divinity. A complete illustration of the “Master I”.

I will save talking about Moving Forms for a planned essay on Gurdjieff’s Dance.

-Beast Xeno

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Nochtadh Cosmaí

The Sinister Creed

Satan in particular and the Dark Gods in general are a means to self-fulfillment and self-

Only by journeying through the darkness within us and without can we attain self-divinity and
thus fulfil the potentiality of our existence.

Our rites, ceremonies and practices are all life-affirming, and show us the ecstasy of existence
and the self-overcoming of the true Adept.

We are feared because we defy and seek to know and thus understand. We rejoice in living: in all
its pleasures but most particularly in its possibilities. We thus extend the frontiers of evolution
while others sleep or cry.

We detest all that enervates and would rather die than submit to anyone or anything – this pride is
the pride of Satan, and Satan is a symbol of our defiance and a sign of our life-enhancing energy.
Others see our way of living and our way of dying and are afraid.

When we hate we hate openly and with arrogance, and when we love, we love with a passion to
match this arrogance: always mindful never to love anyone so much that we cannot see them die,
for death is a natural changing of energies.

We prepare – through our magick and our ways of living – for the Age of Fire (the Aeon of the
Dark Gods) which is to come, when we elitist few shall reach out toward the stars and the galaxies and the new challenges they will bring.

Our way is difficult and dangerous and is for the few who can truly defy the matrix of illusions of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ – that stifle the potentiality of our being.

What does not kill us, makes us stronger.

Codex Saerus – The Order of Nine Angles

As the world around us violently changes, I am reminded of the lobster in the boiling pot. The rich have become nothing but richer, and the poor are only poorer. The masses are so caught up in the little manufactured achievements bestowed upon them. So blinded; so stupid. Men are so emasculated and women are no longer truly venerated. Gender has become something only identified with, and is no longer celebrated or even taboo. One might think to themselves “what strides of social equality have been achieved”, but to me that begs the question; what did it cost us?

I am a person who rarely apologizes, but if any of what I am saying offends you; I am truly sorry. You see, I harbor no phobias in this topic and if it should sound as such; well tough shit, all you will get is an apology from me for it. I am all about becoming who you truly are. If this means you are something other than the once “societal standard”; by all means embrace it. Keep in mind though, I am of the old school of thought; where we do not peek over our neighbor’s fences. So when I speak on these matters, understand that I am not coming from a place of bigoted mind. The only reason, I have chosen to bring this up is, because I believe we are being robbed of something essential and this demonstrates it adequately.

What I mean is this, when I was a small child, life hit me with a series of unfortunate events. I was first stricken sick as an infant. That left me with a massive hearing loss. A short time later, my father passed away in an accident. This left my mother extremely poor and emotionally in despair. She was pregnant at the time of his passing. I went through more than several years of abuse at the hands of my step-family. Mental, physical, and sexual; its like Prego “it’s in there”. By the time I hit the ages of 11-13, my somewhat shy and self-conscious demeanor had culminated into a seemingly magnetic target for bullying. This is the part of the story, where someone should have come to my rescue, and it isn’t. No hero came, no one stuck up for me. The school didn’t care, the police gave even less of a shit.

What transpired instead was a cosmic test of mettle. You see I was born determined. Each event listed I overcame; I rose above it. By the age of 14, I knew who I truly was and nothing was going to hold me down. None of the disadvantages I inherited, would make me take a knee. I had taken on the mantra of, “Why? Because fuck you, that’s why!”. I am my own champion. A warrior within my own rite! The bullies, I bullied them. The abuse I suffered, I let it be the kindling of my internal fire. The deafness, you would have no idea it is there if I did not say so.

Understand this now, I AM NOT SPECIAL! There is nothing about me beyond my defiance and determination that made it possible to overcome. Which is what finally brings me to the impetus and thrust of this entry. “Only by journeying through the darkness within us and without can we attain self-divinity and thus fulfil the potentiality of our existence.” The Sinister Creed gives us 9 points with a singular energy, the thrust to defy and overcome.

It used to be that people of different sexual orientations had to undergo a very personal quest of self-discovery and self-empowerment. So I think, those that did so will understand where I am coming from with this. It should not just be handed to you. You will miss out on everything that truly gives self power and strength. Sure there are those that will succumb and fail, not all are worthy of truly living (in my views, not all are worthy of life). Each must pass the tests of living to be worthy of doing so. Those we coddle, we do them no service. We may love them, but we must be willing to watch them die. This is the Law of Nature, it always has been. This is a cosmic revelation, yet has been no kept secret.

So in that, what do I mean by cosmic revelation? When we look into nature what we see is constantly repeating patterns. Fractals if you will. What happens on a microscopic level, seems to also happen on larger and larger scales. The Law of Nature is no different. In the same way, that a seedling planted on the shadyside of a tree has to struggle and overcome to survive; so must we endure to survive.

With all of the solar storm activity in the news lately, it should also be apparent that the same condition exists on that level. There is in fact, a delicate balance struck in nature. Some of which we can see and comprehend, the rest though the pattern remains elusive.

To be continued…


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Undertow – The Currents of Influence

For far too long, we have suppressed the whole of our beings. We do so by our own volition. We recklessly submit to erroneous and often purposely imposed influences. In that submission; we deny ourselves evolution. We fail to see the pitfall of not developing our full body. Claiming we are a unique being. Yet going along with the herd at the same time. A marionette of mundanes. Throughout this site, you will find tools which can be used to cut these strings.

Remember it is said, “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”

Carefully choosing what influences you, will greatly impact the character of your being. We are living organisms. It stands to reason that, what we intake (IE.. Nutrition, chemical infusion, etc.) will directly augment what we output. In following this to its entirety, we discover a universal principle of causal effect.

When we discuss it at this level of psycho-physiology (termed here ‘the meta’); we are examining a parallel concept to what G.I. Gurdjieff spoke of as identification. Allowing the transition from Man #1 #2 #3 into #4 or #5 and then sequentially #6 and #7.

It can be understood that Man 1-2-3 and 4 are “In Time”, with Man #5 being the pinnacle of what is possible “In Time”. #6 and #7 are then respectively “Against Time” and “Above Time”. These ideas reflect a kind of echo of the 7FW and Hermetic Traditions. Predisposing the initiate to specific influences and catalyzing the meta change.

“The Dark Gods, who in deepest secret entity are powers of the Unconsciousness whether personal or collective, seated in it as in their proper home, are in their knowledge “sinister-truth-conscious” and in their action possessed of the “seer-will”. Their unconscious force turned towards chaos evoking works and dark creation is possessed and guided by a perfect and direct knowledge of the thing to be done, its essence and its law,a knowledge which determines a whole effective will-power that does not deviate or falter in its process or in its result, but expresses and fulfils spontaneously and inevitably in the act that which is seen in their energy.”

– Magister Hagur

In the quote above, we can recognize that Hagur is describing something which can be understood as the law of influence. We can recognize what might be vectored as the ‘hand of the Dark Gods” in the statement. Allowing the Work of the dark creation to flow through the unconscious into action. He even assigns categories, personal or collective. Which we can liken to scales of alchemy. The internal alchemy of the psychonaut and the external alchemy (sorcery) of the cosmonaut.

Sorcery is like alchemy in that it is about understanding the polarizations of opposing forces. Recognizing where they attract and where they repel, and then ascending above them at just the right moment, so that you might put a hand in their direction. That you might influence the current.

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The Cosmic Order of Mayhem

The political philosophy of anarchism is integral to self-development and individuation, alchemically speaking, but its general apprehension and application is myopic and considerably juvenile as consequence of its adherents possessing a lack of knowledge of Heraclitus’ concept of flux.

Heraclitus posited that life exists in a perpetual flow of change; that nothing remains the same; that order and disorder phase in and out of existence.

The average anarchist states their commitment to ensuring a lasting state of entropy within societal systems for the purpose of providing everlasting autonomy and opposing any form of subjugation. The issue with this directive is that it goes against the concept of flux and Nature’s mechanics, which ostensibly present that every facet of life experiences a period of order and disorder.

The forest, for example, lives in a state of order: there is hierarchy among the living things within the trees and fauna, with every living thing consuming, breeding and sheltering in accord with that hierarchy. That is until a wild fire comes along and sows disorder, burning to cinders their habitats and uprooting their routines; decimating plant life and killing animals and insects in the process. After the passing of time, the forest begins to bloom again and become populated once more, returning order to it – c’est la vie.

Flux reveals that order and disorder co-exist in a macrocosm; for their expressions – as and when they are expressed – are part of a cycle, a system, an order, which is cosmic.

“We both step and do not step into the same, we both are and are not”
— Heraclitus

Therefore, this cosmic flow of order and disorder is something that cannot be prevented by human agency, only delayed, as the dam will inevitably break and order or disorder will drown our binary beliefs.

What this means is that chaos cannot be the only raison d’être for the anarchist because to continue under the notion reveals a hubristic lack of insight in addition to indolent reasoning. The purpose of an anarchist must reasonably and empathetically be to create fertile ground for the seeds of the new, creating conditions through destruction and disorder in which natural order, sans human interference, can bloom.

The alchemical application of this raison d’être as it relates to Mayhem – the Anarchist instance in the Nine Worlds cosmology of the 9A:O – will hopefully contribute to self-development in so far that an understanding of the expressions of Mayhem, as being part of the natural cosmic order, has been imparted by this revision of conventional anarchism.

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