Rouns of Draiocht – Announcement

It is with great pleasure that, I am announcing a new phase in Druwydry, gifted to our Tradition from a long-surviving, aural magick tradition which is still being practised by a few extended pagan families within certain rural locals of the British Isles, areas where the original inhabitants —now termed Celts but originally termed Britons by the Romans — were forced into hiding or exile during the Roman invasion of Britain circa 43 AD.

We now give you a black book comprised of old ways and nouveau practices. Not constructed from the late 20th century “re-constructionist witchcraft and druidry”, but instead a genuine pagan grimoire.

You can get a sneak peak of it here (Download), but the full copy can only be found in the physical book. Which you can purchase from the link below.

Purchase the full version HERE!!

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The Reflected Revealed – One Ritual of Shamanic and Necromantic Channeling

Find a location where the bones of an animal have been buried and arrange several medium-sized stones in a henge to resemble the symbol of the A:O. Once night has fallen, place two candles on the left and right side of the A:O symbol, using lanterns to protect the candles from the wind if necessary.

Beginning at the top of the symbol, walk widdershins around the stones while using the shaker, ensuring the rhythm of the shaking is akin to a heartbeat. One rotation translates to one reverse revolution of the Earth around the Sun, so walk around the stones until the number of revolutions reaches the year in which the animal perished. If you do not possess that knowledge, cease when it feels right, ending where you began.

Walk through the centre of the stones, turn around and kneel in front of the bottom of the A:O symbol. Focus on the area where the bones are situated and visualise the essence outline of the animal rising from its resting place, its luminescent colour corresponding to the emotion it felt at the moment of its passing. Allow yourself to become a nexion for the spirit of the animal: roar, scream, yelp, whimper. Be honest about what you feel from the animal and channel it into wondrous expression, permitting it to change you, shift you, into the animal.

Before long, exhaustion will take root. You will collapse to the floor and be presented with the option to close your eyes and engage the visions that come, or enjoy the chthonic emptiness of the night sky above.

Addendum: Crafting the Shaker

For the construction of the shaker the following ingredients and equipment are required: 1 fabric pouch, 2 small glass vials (with corks), 3 small pieces of quartz, seeds, blood-infused salt or soil and several tiny stones.

Begin by filling the pouch with some salt. Add the tiny stones to the glass vials, fill them a quarter of the way, seal them, and then add them – plus the rest of the ingredients – to the pouch. Make sure the contents of the pouch have enough room to clash, lest an underwhelming sound be generated upon shaking.

Penultimately, fasten several bone fragments to a length of string and tie it around the pouch about an inch below the top, proceeding to seal the top of the pouch with hot wax. Lastly, attach the sigil or symbol relevant to the working(s) that the shaker will be used for by drawing the sigil/symbol on a small piece of parchment and sealing it against the pouch with hot wax.

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Be Hungry…

China 2004, I was sitting across a table from the Vice President of the multi-million dollar fireworks company I worked for. We had just finished satisfying our most carnal desires and had settled in for brandy and a cigar. Before this journey, it was my belief that this gentleman was not fond of me. Some years prior, I had stated my opinion of errors I had noted with the company to him. He did not seem to take my criticism well at that time. I began questioning him as to why he had asked me to take this trip, in consideration of my harsh critique.

He began rambling about his brother’s (his brother owns the company) sons and that they would surely run the company into the ground when they inherit it. He talked about how his brother had given and continued to give them anything and everything they wanted. At this point, I wondered if this was all the brandy talking, I soon found out it was not. He said, “They just aren’t hungry!” He began telling me of all kinds of underhanded and tactical things that his brother and he had employed to get to where they are today. He then said, “We were hungry, you’ve got to be hungry or your perspective dulls.” His insistence was repeatedly on this ‘hunger’ giving a person an edge. The hunger motivated them, forcing them to be creative and struggle towards over-coming every obstacle they cross.

He then made it known to me, “This is why you were selected; you’re hungry. I knew from the moment you opened your mouth that day; your interests were not in vulgarly complaining about our methods. You were seeking improvement which would benefit YOU, and just as much as it did us. This is what my nephews lack and what is vital for ANYTHING to succeed and grow.” From there our conversations shifted from serious to more of what we would try next, since we could have anything we wanted.

That year, I received over $150 dollars a week in raise and a considerable amount of attention within the company. For the next few years, I spent a lot of time flying back and forth between China, Corporate, and business related conventions. Every year, I received a considerable amount of increase in salary. Then suddenly it stopped, no longer was I being groomed to be at the top of this company. What had changed?

One evening, as I set at home pondering all of this, I realized I was no longer hungry. I looked around at all the toys and gizmos. I saw the 500 an ounce bag of ‘dro’ and the expensive bottle of liquor. All the things, I just had to have to keep up with the Jones’. This was a particularly bad time in my life; my obsession with material gain had manifested a monster of problems, which I could not seem to fix. My son’s mother and I were on the out. It was any day coming she would be leaving and with my son. So many of our arguments were because I would spend my time ‘making money’ and she felt I had lost sight of what was important.

To be fair to myself, I honestly sought to better the lives of our family. I had however become too comfortable. Understand that I am not placing this as the sole reason for the complexities of problems I was facing, but it WAS a dominant Influence of them. Tsun Tzu advocated that an animal (or man) backed into a corner, would fight fiercely for his life and surmount unthinkable feats. I had forgotten this. So much of my time spent investing in ventures, which I only half-heartedly wished to succeed, that I was blind to the things, which surely make men great.

This is why I choose a minimalist lifestyle. I keep only the things, which matter the most to me and indulge only in the things, which I see a more developed gain. I threw away or gave away everything which I had no need for in my life. In my eyes, they were mere symbols of laziness and comfort, lulling me back into a sediment condition.

When asked, “Why people choose to live a life of wanting for nothing”….

I answer, “”When the only thing you are, are the social status symbols you’ve gathered, it speaks volumes in itself about how empty and useless you’ve become.” I will further this by saying “In a world full of gluttonous sheep, too busy chasing the next high, feeling, fad, and Ithing (IE.. IPhone) to realize they are enslaved by it. I am YOUR Adversary!”

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7 Cosmoses of Consciousness

I have come to the idea that man struggles falsely for the attainment of enlightenment and godhood. That instead of embracing his two fold nature as flesh and spirit, he is distracted and wishes to be something other than what he is (or is capable of becoming). I think man should focus on becoming man and understand that not only is he mortal but he misunderstands all things of a supernatural level. Spirit in my eyes is closer to a ‘memeplex’ than it is to how it is commonly perceived. Man is not born with a spirit but if he works in the right way may develop one. In this I believe we can now understand the term ‘possession’ with more clarity, as the type of spirit I am talking about can be found taking possession. Some men that I believe developed a spirit (and only a few of many) are:

Robert the Bruce
Genghis Khan
Alexander the Great
William Shakespear

They are only a few from my list, but they all had the ability to presence themselves and their ideas both separately and synonymously to the level that they still infect us to this day. It isn’t uncommon to hear someone say something like “In the Spirit of Shakespear, I think this, that, or the other.”

These people invoked passion in their audience and can drive them to a particular emotional state which is then obviously very suggestible. To do this man must temper himself. He must think on 7 different levels. He must hold all things to its respected vectors, each thing from its level to its own. Those levels are as follows:

Eternity – Gurdjieff’s Absolute in the Ray of Creation – World 1 – The 9 Dimensional Existence – The Absolute of Universe – The Zero Current – Eternity – Life – Primitive – Ancestral – Origin – Before – Having No Definition – Will (or Pure Will) – Impossible to determine

Great Cosmos – All worlds in the Ray of Creation – World 3 – Governed by the Laws of Macrocosm and Eternity – The Universe as 8 Dimensional Existence – The Absolute of Macrocosm – Existence – Life in Universe – Sacred – Definition – Deity – Not impossible to determine – Preserved Whole – Transformation – Ultimate State of Being – Transcendence – Reality – Mystery – Divine – First Existence – Three Forces

Macrocosm – Starry World or the Milky Way – World 6 in the Ray of Creation – Governed by the Laws of The Solar System and Great Cosmos – The Galaxy as 7 Dimensional Existence – The Absolute of Solar System – Zero Current of Universe – Xeno – Life in Galaxy – The Large Scale – Elemental Existence – Wonder – Six Forces

Solar System – The Sun – World 12 in the Ray of Creation – All things Possible for the Solar System are realized in Eternally – This is Man in his Symbolic Mind – Governed by the Laws of The Earth and Macrocosm – The Solar System as 6 Dimensional Existence – The Absolute of Earth – The Zero Current of Galaxy – Life in Solar System – Celestial Existence – Sky – Spirit – Animate – 12 Months – Twelve Forces – The Symbolic (Nuero-Semantic-Dexterity) Circuit (The Rational Mind) Imprinted by human artifacts and symbol systems. Concerned with handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction, building a “map” of the universe etc. It is associated with physical dexterity and caffeine, speed, cocaine and a high-protein diet activate this circuit. This circuit supposedly appeared first when hominids started differentiating from the rest of the primates

Earth – Representative of the Planetary World or All Planets – World 24 in the Ray of Creation – All things Possible for The Earth are realized in the Great Cosmos – Governed by Laws of Man and Solar System – The Earth is 5 Dimensional Existence – The Absolute of Man – The Zero Current of Solar System – Eden – Life on Earth – Organic Life – 24 Hours – Twenty-Four Forces

Man – All things Possible are realized in the Macrocosm – Governed by the Laws of Microcosm and Macrocosm – The Man as 4 Dimensional Existence – The Absolute of Atom – The Zero Current of Earth – Adam – One Base – Three values +1 – Forty-Eight Forces – The Emotional-Territorial Circuit (Freud’s Ego) Imprinted in the toddling stage, concerned with emotions, domination and submission strategies, territory etc. The first imprint on this circuit identifies the stimuli which will automatically trigger dominant, aggressive behavior or submissive, co-operative behavior. This circuit is activated with abundant quantities of alcohol. This circuit appeared first in territorial vertebrate animals. This circuit introduces a 2nd dimension; up/down

Microcosm – The Atom – All things Possible are Realized in the Solar System – The Atom or Microbe is 3 Dimensional Existence – The Zero Current of Man – Polar +1 – Positive + Neutral + Negative – Cause + Action + Effect – Manifestation – Ninety-Six Forces – Moon – Outer Darkness – Electromagnetic – Mechanical World – The Final Division – The Bio-survival Circuit (The Breath of Consciousness) Imprinted in infancy, concerned with suckling, nourishment, cuddling, bio-security, etc. The imprinting of this circuit sets up the basic attitude of trust or suspicion which will last for life. First activated when a human being is born, and programs perception onto an either-or grid, divided into nurturing-helpful and noxious-dangerous (approach/accept vs. flight/flee). Leary thinks that this circuit is stimulated in adults by opioid drugs. This circuit is said to have appeared in the earliest evolution of invertebrate brain. This circuit begins with 1 spatial dimension, forward/back.

There is of course more information to the above, but In order to keep this short; I’ll keep it short in relative terms. There exists or I have developed methods of negotiating in each of these levels. However I’m unsure now as to what further to flush out for you. Obviously the microbe world meets resistance from the Laws of the Solar System, and then within that gives rise to the manifestations of Man and Earth. Each level is subject to the laws of the one just above and the one just below it. An example might be a cold (microbe) or a hurricane (earth), is directly effecting Man. What then is my end goal? Man self-actualizing (Maslow), and becoming a trans-personal consciousness (Adept) than can in fact affect change on a Earthly level using the power of spirit.

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