“They hear of us, but do not hear us.
They know of us, but do not know us.
They see us, but do not see within us.
They need not hear us, only our deeds.
They need not know us, only our mark.
They need not see within us, only within themselves.”
– Mantra of The Insidious Way
The initiative process of the Insidious Way is handled by way of traditional initiation. As such, there is no reality in which a practitioner can become a brother or sister of the Way without being sanctioned by passing the following test, which is tripartite and features intimations of the Dread Mother and other such correspondences.
Candidates are first tested by being assigned a recruitment task. They must identify, approach and build a rapport with a Bawrn for the purpose of recruitment without the target learning of the intention, It takes a Bawrn to know another. Thus, this initial test will prove or disprove the social engineering capabilities of the candidate – in addition to confidence, acumen and natural magnetism, which is part and parcel of a proficient Grayling – to reveal the beginnings of the Darkhorse within them if it is indeed present.
The second test is a matter of knowing the literature and ethos of The Insidious Way, recognising weaknesses within the self, and proving as such via a written test that will be assessed by the founder of the Way.
The final test is known as The Game: a sinister festival of a competitive nature that begins on Winter Solstice once aurally revealed to the candidate, and is to be executed on the Eve of Samhain. Once the candidate has passed all three tests they are awarded the opportunity to join the subterranean 9A:O network of Darkhorses, that sense and act in unified accordance with Wyrd as it is apprehended through the A:O, to further the sinister dialectic.