Daniel Barker Von Welf (NSK) Speaks


BX: Let me first say thanks for letting me ask you a few questions. I know you are eager to set the record straight so let’s get right to it.

DB: Sure.

BX: Are you, or have you ever been affiliated with Tempel ov Blood?

DB: Yes, I was. For the better part of two decades.

BX: What was your position within ToB and what did it involve?

DB: I was second in command next to Sutter for about — um, let’s see… 12 – 13 years, give or take? But I was a member for a few more years than that. During that time I played a key role in the expansion of TOB from perhaps a handful of members at best, as it was when I was “made” or “patched in” if you will, to an internationally established and recognized organization with chapters spread out across nearly every continent. I was involved in the planning and overseeing of many activities, both personally as well as alongside Sutter, working in tandem.

I oversaw and actively participated in recruitment and…training — umm, mentorship of other members; both high tier and new, as well as new recruits.

Many organizational standards of practice were set by my person, including what became the standardized and highly recognizable altar set-up which evidently became something of a… well, calling card, due to the rabid propagation of such by those who were associated or involved with the organization.

The first TOB flag was made by me; constructed using a cut out heavy black cloth drape and white paint covered in blood. Was also the first member to get the crest tattooed on me which was done after completing my formal induction as a full member into the Blood Family.

I was also the organization’s outer representative and owned, managed and operated our official website, as well as other various public fronts attached to the organization, e.g., New Bihar Mandir; which I later learned was another one of Sutter’s honeytraps, which pissed me off.

Umm. Is there anything else I’m missing? Oh, yeah. I authored a substantial amount of fundamental manuscripts, propaganda and other forms of audial, written and visual content for the organization.

In addition to running the public front and websites, I was also in charge of our publishing sector with Black Light Distribution and The Black Press; both of which I was as well the owner of. The majority of editing for our mss and graphic art design was also done by me. My participation in the publishing sector came to an end when he started Martinet Press, yet another act that infuriated me. This came as a sudden surprise as I had just finished constructing, designing, formatting and editing what was supposed to be the final pre-production version of Liber 333, which was set to be published through The Black Press.

The original name of Liber 333 was actually set to be titled “Psycho-politics of Predation”, and then out of nowhere Martinet Press appeared with someone else whom I was not aware of behind it working with Sutter and Hoy. It was rather insulting to be honest, not to mention disrespectful by not being given any notice of the abrupt change beforehand. Yeah, I think that covers everything.

BX: I have it on good authority from an ex-ToB member that you were among the first to sound the alarm bells concerning entrapment practices within the organisation. Is this true?

DB: Yes, this is indeed fact. Your source is clearly well informed.

BX: Could you tell me what happened on the day that Joshua Caleb Sutter was exposed as a federal informant?

DB: After finding out, I took a few minutes to… ugh, it annoys me just thinking about it, pardon me. Yeah anyways, it took me a few minutes to digest what I had just discovered, to allow myself some time to think about what course of action to take next. I’ll be honest – I was shocked, appalled and completely enraged by this apparent massive breach of security and betrayal that verily came from the highest level of the Blood Family; literally. We were after all, at least as far as I was concerned, extended family in our own weird way; bound together by our clan. We spoke over the phone regularly and had done so for many years and therefore had long since come to be able to read his demeanor and/or general mode or state of mind simply by the sound in his voice. And..when he answered the phone, there was a  noticeable sense of uneasiness or apprehension in his voice which I took note of immediately.

He had always come across very confident and with a sense of self-assurance present in his voice; that day was different. Right off the bat, I called him out on my findings which clearly caught him off guard. He was stuttering and obviously trying to come up with some kind of alternative explanation to the claims against him on the fly — you know, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He settled with telling me in response that it was nothing more than a black propaganda agenda being implemented against him by unknown sources through using the media as their weaponized vehicle. He didn’t seem alarmed or even remotely surprised as he of course denied the entire thing; attempting to “laugh it off”with an underlying sense of desperation in his voice, in hopes that I would believe his narrative. However, I had already figured out he was lying when he answered the phone by way of his demeanour and stutter in his voice which I’d never heard before from him.

So I decided to leave it at that for the moment and pretended to go along with his explanation. There were certain precautions that needed to be tended to before showing him my cards. The call was brief and ended shortly after that by as per usual relaying that we would speak again soon. After the call ended, I went through a list of contacts in the organization and began making phone calls to them to make sure they knew what had happened and to give them heads up to cut contact with him immediately and prepare for whatever was to potentially follow as a result of his cataclysmic act of dishonor and betrayal against his own.

Later I discovered that he had been planning to set me up as well, just as he had done to other members of the organization around the same time — “cheeky prick”, I remember thinking at the time, or something like that anyway. These instances and others came to light once Sutter had been exposed; many question marks and missing dots suddenly connected and became clear.

I remember many years ago, Sutter quietly relaying to me through a “read between the lines” method of wording, that we had a member who was indeed also actively in the CIA. I was younger then and perhaps still somewhat naïve to certain things, as I never would have expected to later find out in the end, that in truth he was acting as a federal confidential informant and that the person he was referencing was clearly his… uh, handler, not a bloody member of ToB as he presented it to me way back then. Live and learn I suppose. Many of us were deceived by him in the end.

BX: It has been implied that you are affiliated with 764. I’m aware that The Black Order released a statement addressing the allegation with sound reasoning, but could I hear the truth from you?

DB: I have never been affiliated with the 764 group. I neither support them nor do I condone their degenerate behavior. For starters, the so-called “evidence” that has been propagated is absolute bollocks — utter rubbish. The image was taken from an AWD photograph and then edited. Before my information was revealed they suggested I was some scrawny kid, but as it has now since been made clear due to the dox, my body type does not match. The fact that they used that kid in the AWD photo reveals they knew nothing of my person or stature prior to the leak, so anything they claim should be treated with extreme scrutiny.

BX: What is your opinion on child abusers, and have you ever knowingly co-operated with them?

DB: I have zero, absolutely zero tolerance for these kinds of degenerate scum. It is never acceptable to abuse children and anyone that does should be opfered; they all deserve the tight rope of the dead man’s knot. I have never, nor would I ever knowingly associate or co-operate with anyone who abuses children or proliferates support for such despicable and degenerate activities.

It was roughly in and around the same time — shortly before — that Sutter’s acute treachery was exposed, that his agenda to encourage and proliferate the support of such disgraceful content and activities became blatantly evident. I had in fact already begun a process of distancing myself from him gradually, over the course of a couple years, preceding his exposure because of this very reason, for which I had suspicions of which continued to rapidly increase.

After the phone call made to him was finished, following the release of his publicized, damning ruin, I cut contact with him, tended to the necessary final arrangements, and then hammered in the last coffin nail of my tenure-ship with the Tempel ov Blood. Caveat lector – si monumentum requiris, circumspice.

BX: What are your intentions with The Black Order going forward?

DB: On an exoteric level: We have been preparing the necessary foundations to incorporate certain Central and South American based dark currents, traditions and systems of magick into The Black Order with the help of a dearly, dearly beloved Latin American brother of ours. We have particular interest in establishing a strong presence in the Central and South Americas in addition to our footings already laid across multiple other nations, internationally.

On an esoteric level, which I have mentioned to others quite a bit now, so it’s kinda’ rehearsed — From those who came before us, a brilliant shining torch carried. Illuminating are the calculations of darkness betwixt the grey angular incline. Traverse the labyrinthian hallways of always, to build ever upwards through the pyramid towards the cranial black sky that is without end. Upon the diamond femur of Terra, sand becomes iron; with honour, nobility and unforgiving perseverance. Molded and forged are they, the mountainous building blocks of tomorrow which aim even higher; seek to threaten the exosphere of potential.

For those who are yet to come, we prepare our camps, sharpen our blades and harden our tools. For those who are yet to come, we stock your woodshed and tend the fields of harvest in preparation for the solstice of ice which shall one day find and own your calendar; and when the cold once again returns, a torch to you blazing, in your hands burning.

To those of today, Carpe Noctim

BX: Wow. That was a mouthful!

DB: Haha. I guess it was, yeah.

BX: As you previously mentioned, your personal information was recently leaked, hence why we are having this interview. Could you tell me how this has impacted you?

DB: This changes nothing; I know the rules of the game. What’s done is done, but I hope those responsible will pay me a visit soon. That’s all I have to say on the matter.

BX: Considering that your information was released by an organization that was founded and named after a friend of ours and Traditional Satanist, Justin Jekt (Injekt Division). Were you surprised by the hypocrisy?

DB: Not really. The people who point fingers usually have the most to hide. I guess it does make sense because… umm, if you apply logic it reveals a personal motive of one of their members — a member that “justifies” their behaviour with national socialism and Christianity even though the origin story of their group is inherently satanic. You couldn’t make this shit up! It’s a cognitive dissonance that’s quite amusing to be honest. I mean come on, what’s so Christian about having a leader that tries to shoot up a Walmart? I don’t think they have a clue who they are deep down, just another bunch of lost kids that society has failed, looking for a surrogate mother in a man, in a Freudian sort of way if you know what I mean?

It could be deeper than that even. If we look at one of their victims, the porn star Riley Reid, what motive do we see? She’s a woman that loves sex, she’s… popular, she’s… successful. Any psychologist would tell you that those who are more likely to attack someone like that are the polar opposite of that person, that they are likely constantly unsuccessful with women or men, and that they get pushed around or are not even acknowledged in their day-to-day lives. They then lash out because they are unhappy with their own lives and it’s easier to project your insecurities onto someone else and cathartically attack them instead of admitting you perceive yourself as a failure. But what do I know? I’m just a nobody who happens to be a satanist.

BX: Okay. Great stuff. Thanks for your time, man.

DB:  Thank you, it’s been a pleasure. Fides in Adversis.

This interview was conducted by T.C. Downey on the date of 11/07/2024 through a recorded telephone call that was then transcribed.

Note: within the following publication Erda, on pages 5 and 6 under the title, A New Beginning, more information on Kevin Lokison’s (Kevin Rockhill) successorship and reformation of The Black Order can be found.

Download Erda Here

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