Participate (pär-tĭs′ə-pāt) ~ To be active or involved in something; take part.
Spectator (spĕk′tā″tər) ~ One who looks on; an onlooker or eyewitness; a beholder; especially, one of a company present at a spectacle of any kind.
Fanatic (fə-năt′ĭk) ~ A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.
Worship (wûr′shĭp) ~ The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.
The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.
Ardent admiration or love; adoration.
Think of these above definitions as a legend for what is written below. I have always loathed those who participate in and spectate team sports. I never understood why, so I decided to take a closer look.
American Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Ice Hockey, Cricket, Rugby, Concerts and NASCAR. NASCAR has a special place in my heart, though mostly a solo endeavor, the act of repeatedly going in a circle hundreds of times until the first idiot at the end of the final lap wins. It reminds me of lemmings running off of a cliff. Oh if NASCAR had a similar ending, I may become a Fanatic/Fan.
This is a short list of Team Sports (save two) that hundreds of millions of people spectate around the World. In Homes, Bars and Restaurants. I have seen people fixated with total devotion and complete focus upon a screen broadcasting images of people they will most likely never meet. I’ve seen these Spectators scream and jump and embrace one another in orgasmic glee when they witness strangers achieve synthetic glory. Yet, for the Spectator, they do not reflect the idols they Worship. The Spectator, often completely opposite in Appearance, Ability, Word and Deed. The Spectator’s Glory is to consume scraps of the Participant’s Glory Into every orifice and organ and proudly demonstrate their tribal cuckoldry via gross materialism.
The word Fan in this context comes from the word Fanatic. The word Fanatic has been used in the past to describe those who are Active Participants. But today the word Fan is used to describe an infatuated Spectator. To quote Ted Kaczynski in his book Anti-Tech Revolution,
“First, there are those who are appalled at what technology is doing to our society and our planet, but are not motivated to take any action against the technological system because they feel helpless to accomplish anything in that direction. They read an anti-tech book-say, for example,
Jacques Ellul’s Technological Society-and it makes them feel better because they’ve found someone who has eloquently articulated their own anxieties about technology. But the effect soon wears off and their discomfort with the technological world begins to nag them again, so they turn for relief to another anti-tech book-Ivan Illich, Kirkpatrick Sale, Daniel Qyinn, my own Industrial Society and it’s Future, or something else-and the cycle repeats itself In other words, for these people anti-tech literature is merely a kind of therapy: It alleviates their discomfort with technology, but it does not serve them as a call to action.” (Preface pg. 1)
In this example, Mr. Kaczynski demonstrates the disease of the Infatuated Spectator. You can see from this excerpt the first part is a feeling of Helplessness and the seeking of Relief via products, movements, groups, games, religions, systems and ideologies and just about any other form of Escapism can be applied. Which becomes therapeutic to the Helpless Spectator. And make no mistake, Helplessness can and is often learned.
Can Technomancy be Satanic? And can a Technomancer be Satanist? If you look at the 7FW it is not a system for the Spectator. The 7FW is a system that requires Physical Participation. No internet, cables, wires or electricity required. Not only is it not required but it is flat out rejected in order to pass certain Grades.
With the advent of Virtual Worlds and MMORPG, a person could technically create an Avatar and go all the way from Neophyte to Master/Mistress. Staring at a screen, never leaving the comfort of their home, building and creating a false reality. We have already seen this with the creation of Internet Nexions. A conglomeration of people who have and will never meet, taking photographs of themselves next to their altars, Balobians recording Esoteric Chants alone in their bedroom and creating entire bands laying down tracks and sending it to the next musician to add or subtract and send it to the next till the finished product. The question remains, is the former a Spectator or a Participant?
In this writer’s opinion, the word Tradition in Traditional Satanism is paramount. We have to ask ourselves, are we Participants in the Tradition or Spectators of times past? Worshiping names instead of Honoring Deeds? Are we Fans or Fanatics? Is what we are doing a form of therapy or entertainment for an inadequate life? The Answer isn’t on a screen. If you want to take an Island, Burn the Boats. And that takes a Participant not a Spectator.
~Dread Zod