The Druwyd’s Odyssey: An Alchemical Journey of 9 Worlds Outlined

The Nine Worlds

The Preface

The following outline is provided as a barebones framework for understanding Druwydry. It takes the form of a Great Oak, and as such is seeded in the fertile soil of the Prima Materia. In keeping true to the nature of the Great Oaks, it will continue to grow with each cycle. As the seasons change, thus the character of the Great Oak will reflect the season. Sometimes barren, other times bearing fruit. The occasional new growth should be anticipated.

The Grand Tapestry of Existence

Eternity (Æthyr): The primordial source and the undifferentiated Absolute (Great Void).

Great Cosmos: Encompasses all the worlds within the Emanation.

The Druwyd: An individual seeking self-knowledge and integration, navigating the vastness of the Great Cosmos and yearning for the unity of Eternity.

The Forge: Represents the various challenges and experiences encountered on the path of transformation. These challenges correspond to different worlds within the Emanation:

  • WORLD 1 (The 9 Dimensional Existence): The first level of differentiation from Eternity.
  • WORLD 3 (The 8 Dimensional Existence): All dimensions within the Great Cosmos (All that is beyond the Great Canopy.
  • WORLD 6 (The Great Understory): The Macrocosm or “Milky Way”, our starry galaxy.
  • WORLD 12 (The Solar System): The Seeds of the Tree of Wyrd.
  • WORLD 24 (Earth): The Natural Worldly Order.
  • WORLD 48 (Man): The human experience.
  • WORLD 96 (The Root): The Microcosm, The internal world of Luna and the Dark Pool.

The Prima Materia (First Matter)

WORLD 48: Represents the starting point, the untransformed human condition. It embodies the three core forces:

Insidious (Mercury): The mercurial principle.

Heretical (Sulphur): The divine spark within.

Terrestrial (Salt): The grounding force.

The Druwydry (The Great Work):

The stages of the Druwydry remain the same, representing the Druwyd’s inner journey. However, the Druwyd strives for a state of being that resonates with the interconnectedness of the Cosmos, the divine spark within, and the ultimate unity.

The Druwyd’s Dwelling Places:

  • WORLD 48 (Man): The Druwyd grapples with emotions, social interactions, and their shadow aspects.
  • WORLD 96 (Microcosm): The Druwyd explores the fundamental building blocks of existence and the Bio-survival Circuit.

The Cosmic Landscape

  • WORLD 6 (The Great Understory): Governed by the Laws of the Solar System and Great Cosmos. The Druwyd encounters the Cosmic Element (represented by Venus) and the influence of Xeno (Life in the Galaxy). The vastness ignites a sense of wonder and confronts the Druwyd with the Six Forces governing the Macrocosm. They might embody the Necromancer (Undertaking), undertaking the great work of transformation within the galactic arena.
  • WORLD 12 (The Solar System): Governed by the Laws of Earth and Macrocosm. The Druwyd encounters the Air Element and the influence of Sol (Life in the Solar System). This world represents the Celestial Existence, aligning with the Symbolic Circuit (The Rational Mind). The Druwyd might explore the Lux (Eagle), Dance Oracle, Antares (Orange-Gold), representing a deeper level of transformation within this world. These are the Seeds of Wyrd.

The Earthly Realm

WORLD 24 (Earth): Governed by the Laws of Man and the Solar System. The Druwyd encounters the Water Element and the influence of Eden (Life on Earth). This world represents Organic Life, with the Twenty-Four Forces shaping existence. The Druwyd might embody the Anarchist (Mayhem), highlighting the potential for destructive impulses. The Elixir of Ecological Balance helps navigate these challenges.

The Human Experience

WORLD 48 (Man): Governed by the Laws of Microcosm and Earth. The Druwyd encounters the Fire Element and the influence of Adam (One Base, Three Values + 1). This world represents the human experience, a 4-dimensional reality. It aligns with the Emotional-Territorial Circuit (Freud’s Ego), the foundation of emotions, social interactions, and self-preservation. The Assassin (Havok) archetype embodies a distorted expression of this circuit. The Elixir of Emotional Harmony helps cultivate a balanced expression.

The Microcosmic Roots

WORLD 96 (The Roots): Governed by the Laws of Man. It is here that we can have the most (influence) effect. The Druwyd encounters the Earth Element and the influence of Polar + 1 (Cause, Action, Effect). This world represents the fundamental building blocks of existence, a 3-dimensional reality. It aligns with the Bio-survival Circuit. Represented by Luna and the Dark Pool from which the roots drink.

The Orientation of the Map

There are two paths to achieving what has been deemed the “philosopher’s stone”, what are they? Where does this Odyssey lead? What can we learn from Arcturus?

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