The Siege Perilous of David Myatt

As I sit back and watch the drama unfold in recent times regarding the back-and-forth between journalists and whom they presume to be David Myatt, I am moved to a simple question.

Since at or around 2012, Myatt has undertaken a personal siege perilous with the intent of restoring his human soul. He journeys towards this expiation without the crutch of a supernatural reconciliation based on vows and mythological beliefs adopted.

Rather, he has attempted to quicken his élan and energize his true physis by developing, implementing and embodying a new philosophy that is redolent of an Hellenic concept known as agathos, which is an exceedingly difficult word to translate into English, but to approximate its spirit, this is the core of the Novum Testamentum Graece, of which it is clear that Myatt acknowledges in terms of related or influential schools of thought. Agathos is best described as the good, the honourable, and the beneficial, but even this fails to capture the nature of the word.

In my opinion, its meaning is best demonstrated in the act of forgiveness, which is central to his journey. He wants — he desires — to be forgiven for his past errors.

The nature of forgiveness is at the heart of the Novum Testamentum Graece, from which all things contained therein hinge upon. To forgive others, sometimes for one’s own benefit, for one’s own quietude — as often others do not deserve it. To forgive others so that oneself may be forgiven, perhaps a result of such quietude, avoiding any supernatural components. To forgive others so that they may forgive you.

Which brings me to the question mentioned in the beginning: why can’t people forgive David Myatt? And if they can, then why won’t they? To this I mean specifically: the journalists and anti-fascists who continue to cover his life in their work in an unbalanced, unfair way.

I have forgiven him. Forgiven him I have, for the vileness of his violent, extremist, criminal and dishonorable past. I have forgiven him for his labyrinthian and often pathetic excuses for such things. I have forgiven him for the failed attempts to make his national-socialism less offensive, thereby hiding the true essence of what it is capable of. I have forgiven him for his influence on the NSM of whom David Copeland was a member. I have forgiven Myatt for any possible influence he may have had on Copeland who murdered innocent people in London. I have forgiven Myatt for cloaking his past involvement in the early days of the ONA in not-so-exacting language. I have forgiven him for masterminding a honeypot that was intended to blackmail laudable persons to perform deeds in service of political extremism. I have forgiven him further in this regard for its continued and continuing spirit, influencing young and impressionable men of the current times to perform acts of horror, harm, pain and death. I have forgiven him for not doing more to tackle this subject head-on, and destroy the ONA, for, it must be destroyed.

This only scratches the surface of the failures authored by him in his life. There is nothing to celebrate about his past, as is best described by likening it to the concept of kakos: that which is bad, ugly, harmful and worthless.

And yet, he has, in the depths of this darkness, cried out with a heart that is asking, yearning, desiring, and motivated to receive forgiveness.

I can forgive him. So why can’t you?

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